School Highlights 

Year 2 Legoland excursion 

Recently, our Year 2s headed to Chadstone for a Legoland adventure! They had a massive amount of fun building spectacular structures, while also building their skills in problem-solving, spatial awareness and planning! 

Year 7 Assembly of Notables

It was inspiring to see our Year 7s fully immerse themselves in the Assembly of Notables event. 

As part of The Character Initiative Program, this extended project enables each student to explore in depth the life of a notable person from history and present their learnings in creative performances.

Year 8 Our Sustainable World incursion

Louise Macfarlane, Academic Dean of Science 


Our Sustainable World was a recent immersive experience for the Year 8 students.

Students had the chance to learn the art of beekeeping from a resident beekeeper, and then make their own beeswax wraps! 


They also took part in the STELR program, experimenting with solar, wind and hydro power. 

Hands-on experimentation in designing energy-efficient buildings was topped off by a presentation and tour from The HIVE architect, Kevin Ung. Students then worked in groups to brainstorm ideas on how to improve sustainability at Kilvington.


The finalists from each class were as follows:

  • Year 8A (Bottles for Coupons) - Dash Matthews, Max Spooner, Ethan Turner, Lucas Dyer
  • Year 8B (Screen Savers) - Gracie Webb, Scarlett Rickard
  • Year 8C (The Bottle Refund Program) - Sid Wimalasundera, Orestis Zarbs, Emily Cox, Sasha Molnar
  • Year 8D (Bottles 4 Bucks) - Rosa Leonhart, Charlie Sanderson, Jasper Watters, Molly Tatford

These four groups presented their projects in front of the whole Year 8 cohort and a panel of judges which included Rob French, Peter Overton, Shauna Kiernan and Michael Schmidt.


Congratulations to Screen Savers who was declared as the overall winner. Their project aimed to reduce paper waste by installing low energy screens for the posting of digital posters for School events. Their project proposal is attached below.

As may be evident from our other finalist groups, the newly introduced Container Deposit Scheme in Victoria has been highly influential, with students trying to think of the best way to make the most of this scheme.

2024 School Captains and Preps Q&A

Last week, we threw our new 2024 School Co-Captains and Co-Vice Captains straight into the deep end with ‘hard-hitting’ interviews opposite a few of our six-year-olds! You can watch the interview fun with the School Co-Captains here and the School Co-Vice Captains here.

Remembrance Day

On 10 November, our School community gathered to acknowledge Saturday’s Remembrance Day and commemorated all Australians who have fallen in past wars and conflicts. Lest we forget.