Community Group 



We look forward to a great year ahead with many things planned. Our first event for the year is a Meet the Teacher Night Speaker.  See below for more information. Please note creche is for school age children only, babies will be asked to stay with parents.  


Our first meeting of the new year will be held in the staff room February 16, at 9:15am and 7:00pm, all welcome. If you are interested in attending please email me at



How to Catch and Build Good Behaviour


Wednesday, 8th February

RSVP  by Friday 3 Feb 7:00pm

6pm-6:30pm Light Refreshments

for a 6:30pm-7:15pm


If you showed 100 people a page of white paper with a small black dot and asked them where their eyes focused, I’m certain at least 90 of them would respond that they looked at the black dot!

This simple principle explains how many of us look at our kid’s behaviour. Every day, each moment, our kids are in reality spending a lot of their time being generally compliant and cooperative (the white space on the page), but what do we find ourselves talking (or yelling at) to our kids about?   You’ve got it – the black dot behaviours!

Now, don’t feel bad because you’re not alone. It’s very normal to pay attention to the behaviours that irritate or annoy us and to let the complaint, considerate or even helpful things that our kids do slip by unnoticed and unmentioned.  This workshop offers powerful reminders and practical strategies about what we can do to catch and build positive behaviours.