Calendar & Community Events

Our Mark is available to MC your wedding, engagement party or 21st. Please contact the office for booking details and availability.

Ride2School Day in 12 Mins. Big thanks to David Barrett for putting this epic together!

Calendar. Calendario.

Fri March 27  Final Day of Term One! 2.30 Finish.

Tues April 14  Students return to school

Hand Sanitizer Recipe

With many thanks to Xavier M's (Grade 4) Godfather...

2/3 part Isopropyl

1/3 part Aloe Vera Gel

10 Drops of essential oil (per cup size)

It's a winner!

These guys need to ring each other before they come to work to avoid 'matchy, matchy' shirts.
These guys need to ring each other before they come to work to avoid 'matchy, matchy' shirts.