Leadership Report

Caronavirus Update

This has been the most demanding first term on a whole school system I can ever recall outside of Black Saturday. We as a member of a global community need to be thoughtful and forgiving to each other. We need to cut through all the white noise and show compassion to one another. There is no end date as to when this virus will pass, so we must be patient and calm. If China is to be an example, where it has taken them over four months to get to where they are now, and it isn't really clear if they are  clear of the virus.

Norman Swan

I would like to clarify why I sighted Him as a source for information regarding the Coronavirus. I have viewed his commentary and read some of his examples around reducing exposure and how the virus can spread. I felt he delivered the message he provided was with clear and simple. While he is an advocate for school closures, he does not advocate students be removed from school by parents in an ad hoc manner. We may eventually end up taking that course of action, but presently there is no direction from DET to close  on  mass. DET is monitoring the situation and will only close schools if advised to do so by the Department of Health and Human Services.

Additional Cleaning Service

As of today, DET has implemented a program of additional cleaning services in all schools. This a priority measure and the focus will be on keeping services areas clean and sanitised.

Volunteer Parents

A big thank you to those parents who have volunteered to come to the school on a daily basis to clean the tables and chairs. I will review this need now that we have the additional cleaning service happening.

Rap for the Term

We live in interesting times, but as we all understand life, work and school goes on. I would like to high light some of the positives this year.

* Very smooth start to the year for all students especially our Foundation cohort. They have settled in so and adjusted to school life, it just makes the whole place hum. I have to say this didn't happen by osmosis the teaching team have worked cohesively to create such a great start for the kids- well done guys.

* It has been my observation that all teams have really had a great start  to the year. The transition into new year levels working with new teachers has been so calm and productive - great work from everybody.

* The camp happening in term 1 has also contributed to the learning atmosphere being  more harmonious and team orientated for the students and teachers. It was a big ask to have teachers and students  away from home for 5 days, so thank you to the staff for your sacrifice and thanks to the parents for your trust. We intend having the 2021 camp at a similar time. Details will become available during term 2.

* The family picnic was a great success. It was fabulous to meet new families and catch up with long time families. Thank you the organisers it was a great  night.

School Council

Congratulations to parents  who  have volunteered to be a part our 2020 school council. We welcome Trevor, Wendy, Helen, Mark and Adam. Adam did retire  from  council, but has returned to replace Craig who has had to retire from council for personal reasons.

Our 2020 School Council: 

Parents - Adam Palmer, Dung Nguyen, Leonie Duncan, Chris Drummond,Trevor Glover, Wendy Brown, and Helen Barrett.

DET - Ross Dudgeon, Luke Cripps and Mark Fittolani

Retired Councillors

We thank Deidre Newman, Annika Priest and Craig Pett for their time and valuable contributions to school council. To volunteer your time to meetings and other school council activities requires an individual to be generous of spirit and at times brave. So to you all thank you and we know the school community as a whole is very  appreciative of your support to Newlands Primary School. 

Term Two

Normally I would be letting know about some  of the exciting  things  we have planned for the great kids at Newlands. Alas, it is hard to predict what term 2 will look like at the moment - no excursions, possibly smaller classes or will we be delivering learning via the screen to the home. No matter what transpires between now and the commence of the term we will be ready. The Newslands teachers are currently preparing and developing alternative delivery platforms for learning for your child/ren. These will only  be implemented when we are directed to do by DET. In the meantime I would suggest families prepare by thinking about how to adapt a space in the house as designated learning space. Discuss with your  child how the school day  may look if we do go to a school at home structure for term two.