Senior School

VCE Studio Arts Excursion

On Friday 17th of August the Year 11 and 12 Studio Arts students went on an excursion to Bendigo to visit the Bendigo Art Gallery and the La Trobe Art Gallery. The focus of the trip was to visit exhibitions in preparation for their SAC and end of year exams. While there they participated in 'Industry Contexts' related tours and workshops focusing on the preparation, presentation and conservation of artworks in specific exhibitions. The students were also given time to explore the permanent art collection at the Bendigo Art Gallery.

Semester Two Exam Timetable

The end of semester examinations will occur between Friday 16th November and Thursday 22nd November. All Year 9 (English and Maths only), 10 (all subjects) and 11 (all subjects) students will participate in the end of semester examinations.


Below is a copy of the end of semester two examination timetable. If there are any concerns or questions in regards to the timetable please see Mrs P Jones or Miss Scott as soon as possible.


Unit 3 & 4 September Holiday Revision Program

Please see below, the Cobram Secondary College Revision Sessions held for students undertaking a Unit 3 & 4 subject.  These sessions are held in the school Library.  They are not compulsory and no new work will be presented however, we do encourage all Unit 3 & 4 students to actively participate in these sessions.