Principal's Report
Principal's Report
Term Three is rapidly coming to a conclusion and students from Cobram Secondary College continue to shine in their areas of interest and passion. The ongoing support of the wider community allows us to provide a wide range of opportunities for our students, whether it be accompanying staff on excursions and camps, attending the College to share expertise as guest speakers, running extra curricula activities or helping out in the canteen and development of the college farm. This helps us continue to help our students grow and build communities.
Congratulations to Year 11 student, Tristan Grinter, on achieving his Queen’s Scout Award. He has recently been advised that he has met the criteria and will receive this prestigious award in October. In order to achieve this significant milestone, Tristan has modelled a wide range of important personal qualities necessary in the 21st century, such as persistence, dedication and communication, to name a few. Tristan has demonstrated an impressive commitment to personal growth and building communities through the significant volunteer components.
On Tuesday 28th August, I had the pleasure of joining the Senior Concert Band at the Victorian School Music Festival at the Hawthorn Arts Centre. Participating in this experience has been a personal highlight for me since joining the college. Our band are wonderful ambassadors of our college, with this event being a culmination of creativity, dedication, teamwork and a commitment to growth. Our music program is a hallmark of Cobram Secondary College and I congratulate Justin McLaren and the music team for their continued work in supporting our students.
Cobram Secondary College supports the aims and ambitions of all students, across a wide range of interests, demonstrated through our involvement in ‘Cows Create Careers’. We value the partnership of the local dairy industry, Dairy Australia, Elders Finley and Murray Goulburn is providing resources, expertise and resources to support this wonderful program.
Our Year 10 Advance students have recently immersed themselves in three days in Melbourne as an important component of their program. This experience allowed student to develop familiarity and confidence operating in the CBD, building teamwork through hands-on activities and participating in a behind the scenes experience as audience members at ‘The Project’. Students were also fortunate to be taken through the CFA Headquarters to learn about the management of wildfire scenarios and the crucial role of forecasting for the management of resources. This allowed them to contextualise their practical skill development with the CFA.
It takes a village to raise a child and we are seeking your assistance in joining our village. We are currently calling out for canteen volunteers to help out in the preparation and serving of food. We understand that people have busy lives, but would be grateful for any parents, grandparents or other significant adults to help us in running this important facility. As little as once a month would make a difference and training will be provided. Please contact our Business Manager, Adrian Zonneveldt, if you can assist.
Term Three will finish with Parent Teacher interviews. Bookings are now available via Compass for Thursday 20th September from 4.00 to 7.00 pm and Friday 21st September from 9.00am to 12.00pm. This is a wonderful opportunity to have a personalised meeting with your student’s teacher to gain an insight into their achievements, areas for improvement and strategies for growth.
We wish all our community a restful and wonderful holiday. Good luck to our Year 12 VCE students who will be actively engaged in holiday revision and additional support classes.