Technology News


Our Prep students have completed their first nibbler projects, showcasing their newfound woodworking skills and creativity. With their trinkets and wooden creations proudly delivered to some special people, we have moved on to an exciting new venture - learning about virtual reality (VR) with Bogo. 

Through Bogo, our students will have the opportunity to immerse themselves in a virtual world, engaging in fun activities with Bogo. I am thrilled to see our Prep students embracing these learning experiences, and know that their journey into the world of VR with Bogo will be both engaging and transformative.


Grade 1/2

Our Grade 1/2 students now have their own Typing Club accounts! With this new resource at their fingertips, many students have eagerly embraced the opportunity to start learning or improve their typing skills. Typing Club provides a fun and interactive platform that guides students through typing lessons and exercises, helping them develop speed, accuracy, and proper typing techniques. By honing their typing skills at an early age, our Grade 1/2 students are gaining a valuable lifelong skill that will benefit them in their academic and personal pursuits. 

Grade 3/4

Our Grade 3/4 students are diving into the world of coding and digital creativity with their new Scratch accounts. Armed with their laptops, they are enthusiastically exploring Scratch to create engaging games and interactive artworks. With each project, they are not only enhancing their coding skills but also becoming more adept at effectively utilizing their laptops. 

Grade 5/6

Our Grade 5/6 students have been delving into the fascinating world of coding and algorithms. They have been learning the fundamentals of code by creating physical treasure maps that incorporate switch statements and loops. 

By designing their treasure maps and incorporating different conditions and repetitions, they are exploring the power of switch statements and loops in creating dynamic and interactive experiences. 


Stay Creative!

-Mr. Taylor