Art Room News

Creativity takes courage. Henri Matisse

Hello RHPS Artists,


Clay, sewing, drawing, painting……Just a few of the wonderful mediums and skills we have been exploring in the art room over the past fortnight.


Our Preps finally got their hands into some clay for a play and to experiment with the medium. This week we made our first clay piece, pinch pots with lids. These look amazing and we learnt how to make a pinch pot, add texture, make a lid and learn how to attach clay using slip. So many skills and everyone did a wonderful job! In a few weeks time, we will glaze our pots.


The Grade 1/2 Artists showed off their amazing drawing skills this week by using horizontal, vertical and angled lines to draw fantastic barn pictures. They were and should be so proud of their efforts. They really have done a fabulous job. Next week they will have the choice of using watercolour or coloured pencils to add colour to these art pieces.


The Grade 3/4 and 5/6 Artists have begun their sewing projects. Currently we are working on cutting out our patterns, pinning them to our felt and cutting out our fabrics. This all takes patience and care and this week we will move onto learning the skills of using a sewing needle, using threads, tying knots and doing a running stitch. I can’t wait to these skills develop and watch their creations come to life.

Just a friendly reminder, if you wish to participate in the Lilydale & Yarra Valley Show poster competition, come and see me and I can give you the information. Posters are due to me by the 12th of July. 


Have a wonderful week ahead.


Keep creating,

Mrs. Granger