Principal Report

Dear Parents,


There is a lot of winter bugs circulating the community. I have spoken about attendance in the past. It is not lost on me that it is hard to encourage attendance when winter bugs creep in at school and at home. It impacts us all at some point. We are very grateful for the efforts you make to get you children to school when they are well, especially if you are not. If they are feeling unwell then the best place for them is to rest at home. The teachers and support staff will catch them up. Just pop a note on Compass so you don't receive an SMS. As we know we will be absent at some it is really important to make it to school when we are not unwell. 


Illness has also been impacted the staff at school. Many schools are looking for replacement teachers which is making covering our classes difficult some days. As always, we are making our decisions in the best interests of students, whilst also balancing out staff wellness and their stamina levels when tasked with taking additional children. Unfortunately, some days we are left with no other options other than to split our grades. I want to apologise as I know this has an impact on the students and the teachers taking the classes. I want to assure you a lot of thought goes into the decision making when this has to occur. 


One way of reducing germ in school and at home is to practice washing our hands. Here is a little video to watch and practice to. It may be a bit young for grade 56.....but it is still catchy.

Student Support Group meetings ran last week. Thank you to those parents and staff who made the time to meet and discuss the needs of those students who sometimes, not always, need our most support. Your time is appreciated. 


District Cross Country was last week. We had 7 students who finished in the top 10 (fantastic) and will now compete at the Division Cross Country on Tuesday 6th June. Ryder Hutson and Cody Pearson won their races! Brilliant effort gentleman. 


Looking ahead:


34A students will be hosting assembly. A huge best wishes to them.  


We have the Biggest Morning Tea on Thursday 25th May....LET'S MAKE THE SCHOOL TURN PINK! Please support this with a gold coin donation on the day. 


We also have the book fair on Thursday and Friday. Bring your pocket money and pick-up a bargain book.


I hope you like the additions to the school. The shade sails over the Quad and the addiitonal green grass. The grass is going to be great for summer play and picnics. We will also be adding additional down ball courts and shade sails across the new play equipment over the next week.


We will also be updating the toilets in the main building with a full refurbishment. More news on this in Term 3. 


The Annual School Report for 2022 can now be found on our school website. A copy can also be downloaded and read here. There are many highlights compared to 'similar schools' and the 'state average'. I am very proud of the efforts of all our students, parents and staff here at Rolling Hills Primary School.



