
Hi families


Donut Day:

Thanks to the following parents who helped at our recent Donut Day: Jennine K, Stephanie D, Sarah P, Helen M and Lauren B. We sent out over 300 donuts on the day!

I would also like to thank Nicole and the OSHC Team who sold all of the 'early delivery' donuts the week before.


Pizza Lunch:

Our next special event will be a Pizza Lunch on Monday 5th June. Big Mates Pizza in Croydon will be supplying delicious freshly made pizza. Orders are now open on MSC and must be completed before 7.30am on Tuesday 30th May. 

If you would like to help between 11.45am - 12.30pm on the day, please add your details to My School Volunteer or leave a message at the school office.


Term 3 Roster:

I am starting to work on the Term 3 roster already. Canteen relies on the generosity of our school families to continue to be able to offer our homemade goodies and wide menu. 

We would love some new helpers in Term 3. 

Volunteers can work from as little as 2 hours per term, or as frequently as available. Shifts are available on Tuesdays and Thursdays.

Please email me at if you are able to help.


Thank you
