Sports News 

Division Cross Country

A great display of talent, stamina, determination and camaraderie at Divisional Cross Country yesterday. A BIG congratulations and best of luck to the following students who are moving on to the Southern Metro Regional Finals: Zara K, Nate M, Liam B, Jack H, Oscar A, Campbell B, Gemma H, Charlie S, Toby G, Keegan B, Olivia V, Eve A, Alice S, Willem D, Will P, Kiara M, Lily G, Indi M, Niamh K, Isabella M, Annabelle H & Baden M. 


We also won the overall Age Champions for 12 - 13 boys and 15 girls so both of these teams are progressing to the next level of the competition too!

Ms Ruby Aust


Kingston Senior Round Robin - 25 May 2023

Senior Boys AFL

On Thursday 25 May, Beaumaris was able to host the Senior Boys AFL round robin. This was the first time our Year 12 boys were able to play matches on our worldclass ovals! It was amazing to see staff and student support and cheering for the team during break and lunch. Despite the windy and wet conditions, the team were able to go undefeated in the group stage, finishing on top of our pool. In the semi-final against Bentleigh, we were able to win with the final kick of the game and an amazing goal to Alex H from the boundary to put us through to the grand final. Against Parkdale in the Grand Final, the boys were able to get the win making us Kingston Champion. This is the second time this team has won the division title, winning it back in 2021 as the intermediate team. The group will compete in the SMR finals on July 18.

Mr Tom Chesters









Senior Girls Netball 

With just 7 players for the day and a rainy forecast, we set out for what we thought was going to be a challenging day of netball for our Senior girls’ netball team. A big shout out to Chloe for reteaching Margot the rules on the way. Our two secret weapons, Annabelle and Margot, showed huge improvement across the day in midcourt after applying all the tips the team gave them. After losing our first game, we won the next 3 because of our strong shooting and an impressive number of intercepts in defence from Chloe and Holly. We finished with a loss against Parkdale, who went on to become the day's champions. A special shout out to Liv, Chloe, Amy & Amber for giving 100% in any position thrown their way, including those they don’t regularly play! Well done girls on an amazing effort and so many laughs even after playing 5 games straight!!

Ms Aimee Blackman









Senior Mixed Hockey

Unfazed by the grim forecasted weather, the Senior Mixed Hockey Team took to the field at Brighton Secondary with much excitement and enthusiasm. The first game against McKinnon Secondary College was very evenly matched with a lucky deflection dribbling in for the opposition being the only difference. Despite this first loss, the high level of team spirit prevailed and with Sam O smashing in our first goal against Bentleigh Secondary, the team lifted to hold the lead to the end. 


Our final game against Parkdale Secondary, a team full of club players, got away from us despite some great plays and very hard running. By far our best players for the day were Michael C and Daisy C who led our otherwise inexperienced team to a fantastic day out.

Mr Tim Lee









Senior Boys Soccer

On a blustery day, the boys set out to Caulfield Park to take on the best the Kingston Division had to offer. First up, Parkdale. The boys fought hard and showed great resolve but with the last kick of the game conceded a goal which made topping the group very difficult. Next up, Brighton. Brighton had many well-known players and with the need to push on win, the team became more attacking to try and nab that elusive goal. Unfortunately, Brighton scored late in the first half. The Beauy boys kept pushing for a goal but again conceded with the last kick of the game to go down 2-0. Ultimately leading us to be bottom of the group. The 5th v 6th playoff was Beauy v Sandringham where we threw the team against the wall. This match was the highlight of the day with players playing in numerous positions across the park. After goals from Ollie P and Jacques J, the game was about to end 2-2 with preparations for a penalty shootout beginning. But class prevailed and with late goals from Archie L and Marlon R, the boys got up 4-2 to finish 5th in the division.


Overall, it was a tough day at the office but the boys enjoyed having a run around in the rain and will have some great memories to look back on.

Mr Tom MacDonald









Senior Girls Softball

Our Senior girls competed at the State Softball Championships on Thursday 25 May. Winning all 3 of their matches throughout the day. Unfortunately, the final was called off halfway through the game due to the rain, with Beauy down by 2 runs. 


Superstar efforts by all, an amazing achievement making it to the state finals for the 3rd year in a row.

Ms Hannah Radford
