Student Wellbeing

Zones Of Regulation - Green
In the wellbeing section of the contact last week, we focused on the yellow zone. This week, we are going to explore the Green zone. The green zone is a regulated zone, where we have control of our emotions. It is calm, organised and in this state, we are ready to learn and focus. We usually feel calm, comfortable and in a happy state. This is predominantly the zone we want to be in and want our students to be in, although the yellow zone can also be a good zone for learning as well.
Being in the Green Zone is a chance for us personally and also our students to identify the tools we use that help us to regulate. When we are heightened and in the yellow or even red zone, we then use these tools.
How can we help our children at home?
In the classroom, teachers are modelling what each zone looks like and also tools they use to support them with regulating each zone. Again we encourage families to model this at home. Ask your children questions that will help them to reflect what zone they are in and strategies they can use at home to support. These could include the following;
● “I wonder if a tool might help us manage our Zones right now?”
● “I need a tool to regulate my Zone, how about you?”
● “What Zone are you in? Is there a tool that might help?”● “Can you tell me about the tools you use at school to help you regulate your emotions?”
We know that some of the biggest factors in being able to regulate our emotions include our basic needs being met, e.g food, sleep, exercise/play, connection to family and hydration. If we don’t have these basic needs met, we struggle to regulate our emotions. At home, routines and systems play a large role in supporting your child to regulate their own emotions. These systems include bedtime routines and a regular time to go to bed, before school routines and regular times to rest, reset and play. These supports at home, allow children to remain in the green zone.
Janine Hough -
Brad Ryan -
This year, Education Week runs from Sunday 14th to Saturday 20th May. The theme, Active Learners: Move, Make, Motivate, celebrates the many ways students learn, through physical activity, hands on learning and student voice.
Education Week is an opportunity for our school to celebrate and share with you how we encourage our students to be active learners.
Michael Ymer - Parent Maths Night - Wednesday 17th May at 7pm
As part of Education Week, we have Michael Ymer coming to work with our parents on Wednesday 17th May at 7pm in the Library. Michael is an outstanding Maths educator and the feedback we have received from families who have attended previously was extremely positive. If you can make it, please come up to the Library next week to learn a little more about the way we teach Maths at Greenhills and some strategies you can use to help your child at home.
Our school is proud to encourage active learners through many programs we offer but our Student Agency focus has seen our students use their voice and get excited about their learning.
Greenhills Primary School will be celebrating Education Week by moving, making and motivating our students inside and outside the classroom.
Please see below some ways that you can MOVE, MAKE and MOTIVATE your children at home this Education Week.
- Learn a dance or game featured on the Get Active Victoria website:
- Get outside and go for a walk or hike as a family.
- A photo collage of family memories to display at home.
- A meal or sweet treat for another family and drop off to tell them you are thinking about them.
- Get in the garden and plant some Winter vegetables or herbs for the family to enjoy.
- Have a family discussion about upcoming events and activities to ensure everyone is prepared and organised.
- Have your child plan and make a meal for the family one night this week.
- Read to a sibling, cousin or friend.
To find out more, visit the Education Week 2023 website.
Have Fun!
Janine Hough -
Brad Ryan - bradley.ryan and Brad.