Message from the Principal
James Penson
Message from the Principal
James Penson
Tuesday the 16th May was the Australian Education Union’s Education Support Personnel Day. We take this opportunity to acknowledge the huge contribution that Education Support staff make to our Greenhills Primary School team.
Victoria Harris – Our very knowledgeable, organised and approachable Business Manager. Victoria always ensures that our school finances are targeted and spent effectively and all the correct processes (of which there are many!) are followed. Victoria also plays a significant role managing the many HR (Human Resources) functions for our busy school and staff and manages our office staff team.
Nicole Pearson , Kiera Roberts and Libby Egan – our super friendly faces of our school as first point of contact in the office or on the phone. Victoria leads this team to provide our whole school community with exceptional organisation and support across everything from A-Z….Accounts Payable to Zones (Prep & Year 6/7 Transition).
Karen Morrison – Our wonderful First Aid Nurse, who cares for our ill and injured children, which can be over 100 a week! Karen does an amazing job in a very busy and demanding environment.
Raelene Turner, Karen Porter, Ashlee MacKinven, Emily Kandell, Sheryl Munks-Callahan, Rhoanne Salazar, Nathan Di Giuseppe - our team of classroom-based Education Support personnel who all work tirelessly to ensure students are given every opportunity to learn and participate with their peers. These staff make such a big impact on our students through strong connections and positive relationships.
Miriam Pekolj – Our Canteen Manager, who does a great job looking after school lunches each week. I know the Wednesday Wonders menu is a real favourite…on behalf of our hungry students a big thanks Miriam!
Max Smith – Our busy handyman, who helps us to make sure the school is always looking so neat and safe. Max fixes and maintains our facilities, especially our gardens and playgrounds.
Thank you to all members of our Education Support team for your work to support our whole school community.
Many thanks to our awesome Parents Association team. We hope all our Greenhills mums, grandmothers and other special people enjoyed a very special day on Sunday and enjoyed one of the gifts and treats that were specially selected by our students last Friday at our stall.
A HUGE shout out to Emma Oliver, Alyshia Ninness, Amy Sedgwick, Ann Anderson, Anne Thomas, Catherine Maguire, Donna Anderson, Ebony Killmister, Hayley Ormandy, Irina Fainberg, Jess Barro, Jing Jing Lin, Kate Maddison, Kiera Roberts, Libby Egan, Lorraine Gioules, Lucy Miller, Melanie Lucas, Melissa Marson, Melissa Rodgers, Merike Bailey, Miriam Pekolj, Nicole Pearson, Nola Sexton, Sarah Leach, Sue McCowan, Trudi Waterfall, Victoria Harris, the Mills family (Lori, Sophie, and Pippa), and the Greenhills Parents Association for making events like this happen.
If you’re interested in joining the PA, please consider coming to our next meeting on Tuesday 13th June at 7:15pm in the Staffroom. It’s a wonderful opportunity to make new friends and contribute to your child’s school community in a fun and relaxed way.
Our awesome Parent Association is running the Eltham Bunnings BBQ on Sunday 28th May. We need your help during the day - even just for an hour. A roster has been set up on Carebookings - please use the following steps:
2. Click on the "Make a Booking" Tab
3. Use the code JGU9L
4. Select the time you can assist.
We will also be running a cake stall on the day. More details to follow and it would also be GREAT if you could bake something for us to sell at the stall.
Don’t forget that next Tuesday 23rd May we have our first Mid-Term Meet with the Principal Team. This will be via Webex from 7.30pm. The sessions are held at the mid point of each term. We introduced these last year to help keep you in the loop with things that are happening across our school. They are also another forum to ask questions, provide feedback and suggestions and continue our strong home school partnership. At this meeting we will share more details about our School Review and the work we are doing around Zones of Regulation.
Here is the link:
Meeting password: hwJrmahJ689 | |
Meeting number (access code): 2650 3017976 |
Our school will complete a very comprehensive review process this term. DET schools complete this process every four years. The review will be conducted by Olwen Horton an external reviewer appointed by DET with the support of a panel which includes Clare Read our DET Senior Education Improvement Leader, Frances Ibbott who is Principal of Montmorency Secondary College and Keyla Jeffers who is Principal of Montmorency South Primary School.
In preparation, we have completed a detailed self-evaluation document based on the following:
Our Review will commence on 24th May and will run over three days (31st May, 1st June and 7th June). There is an opportunity for parents to provide some input and feedback into the review. This has been scheduled for Wednesday 31st May at 9am. It would be great if we had lots of parents and carers available to participate and have a voice into our next four-year plan.
Professional Practice Day – Tuesday 23rd May.
As part of the current VGSA (Victorian Government Schools Agreement) all teachers receive a day per semester away from face-to-face teaching duties. This is where all teachers at the school are released from teaching on a set day and as such students do not attend. We appreciate your understanding and support of this and have arranged OSHClub to provide a day care program from 6.45am through to 6.30pm on this day.
James Penson