Maths Fun

By Ms Ballouk

I'm Eight

When I went into a classroom earlier this week a child rushed up to tell me she was 8 that day. Well, Happy Birthday to everyone who has a birthday today!


This challenge is about finding a variety of ways of asking questions which make 8.

You might think of 6 + 2, or 22 - 14 or...

However, try to create examples that use all the different mathematical ideas that you know about. Perhaps you could challenge yourself to find ways of making 8 that you think no-one else will have thought of. If you are not 8 years old, you might like to use your age instead of 8.








Fifteen Cards

I have fifteen cards numbered 1− 15. I put down seven of them on the table in a row.






The numbers on the first two cards add to 15. The numbers on the second and third cards add to 20. The numbers on the third and fourth cards add to 23. The numbers on the fourth and fifth cards add to 16. The numbers on the fifth and sixth cards add to 18. The numbers on the sixth and seventh cards add to 21. 


What are my cards? 


Can you find any other solutions?


How do you know you've found all the different solutions?


Handing your Responses

Talk to your family about the problem you would like to solve. 

Once you have the answer, send it to my classroom (5/6B in room 8) to earn a GEPS star! 

I look forward to seeing your answers!

If you’ve done the rectangle, try the five coins activity!