Mabo House News

Mabo House News


A Heartfelt Thank You to Erin Louden


Hello Mabo House

As we enter this new phase of the school year, I want to take a moment to express my gratitude and appreciation for Erin Louden, a valued member of our Mabo team who has played an essential role in our school's success.


Erin, our outgoing Mabo Head of House has led us through a period of significant change at the College- the introduction of Houses to our community and been unwavering in her effort to make Mabo the best House it can possibly be (which she has done!). Erin’s commitment to our students, her dedication to excellence, and her passion for putting students first at all times has left a lasting impression in the lives of many staff and students in Mabo House. 


While Erin is stepping into a new role within our school, we want to acknowledge her immense contributions to our Mabo students and thank her for being a mentor, friend, and role model to many of us, and for her positive influence on us. Good luck Erin in your new role focusing on introducing Sporting Academies to our College- we look forward to seeing your continued success. 


Wishing Our Year 12 Students Success and Bright Futures

As we enter the final term of the school year, it is a time for reflection, celebration, and anticipation of what lies ahead. For our Year 12 students, this term is especially significant as they prepare for their final exams and conclude their VET studies and embark on the next exciting chapter of their lives.


Throughout their time at Hampton Park Secondary College these young adults have exhibited dedication, resilience, and commitment to their education. They have grown academically, emotionally, and socially, and we are incredibly proud of their accomplishments. There have been a few bumps along the way however all graduating students are ready to leave our College with the required skills for success.


As we wish our Year 12 students success in their upcoming exams and course completion, we also want to express our confidence in their abilities. We know that they have the knowledge, skills, and determination to excel and achieve their goals. Remember, success is not just measured by grades but by the personal growth and character development that have taken place during these years.


To our Year 12 students, we offer these words of encouragement:

"You have the power to shape your own future. Believe in yourself, stay focused, and do your best Your hard work will open doors to endless opportunities”

As families, you have been a vital part of their journey. Your support, guidance, and encouragement have played a significant role in their success. We thank you for entrusting us with their education and for being our partners in nurturing their growth.

Once again, we wish our Year 12 students all the success and happiness in their exams and in all their future endeavours.


Finish Off the School Year Successfully: Give Your Best!

As we find ourselves nearing the end of another academic year (2024 Commencement starts on Wednesday 22 November), it's a perfect time to reflect on the incredible journey we've embarked upon together. Our students have shown remarkable resilience, creativity, and determination in the pursuit of success.

Success is not just about the grades you achieve; it's about the knowledge you've gained, the friendships you've formed, and the personal growth you've experienced. Embrace these last moments of the school year with a positive mindset and a spirit of accomplishment.


In these final weeks, let's support and uplift one another, making every day count. Together, we will bring this school year to a successful close, looking forward to a well-deserved break and the promise of new beginnings in the next academic year.

Thank you for your dedication, hard work, and for being a part of our incredible community. Finish strong, and let's make these last moments of the school year memorable.


Enjoy Term 4- drop into the office if you need anything.

Chris Knowles and the Mabo House Team