Health Space

ACE Foundation-Glasses Program
The ACE Foundation was established by Chair, Dr Leon Shapero, in 2014.
The ACE Vision is to assist students of any age in the City of Casey who are experiencing significant challenges in their educational pursuits.
One of the ACE Foundation initiatives is to provide FREE eye testing and provision of FREE glasses for all public students with vision impairment in the City of Casey.
If you have a current Health Care Card, and feel your child may need assistance, please contact Tracey Logonder at Hampton Park Secondary College on 8795 9400 for further information.
Spring is in the air
Spring is in the air . . . and so are the pollens! During the months of October to December, asthma and hay fever symptoms increase due to airborne grass pollens. If your child suffers from asthma, could you please make sure that he/she has their relieving medication and spacer with them in their school bag. If your child is prone to hay fever, please give them their medication before coming to school. We do not keep hay fever medication at the school. Daily pollen updates/forecasts are available at
Free injury prevention workshop
Do you ever wonder what to do when your child has a sports injury? Check out the FREE Injury Prevention Workshop being offered by Monash Health.
Body Confident Children & Teens for Parents
17th October 7pm - 8:15pm (AEDT) via Zoom
With a focus on prevention, this session provides information and practical tips to help parents better understand and promote positive body image in the home.
You will explore:
- Body image influences
- The role of body image in problematic eating and exercise behaviours
- How to positively role model
- Responding to appearance talk and appearance-teasing
- What to do if concerned.
Format: Live Virtual Presentation using Zoom (time-limited recording available)
Length: 1hr, plus 15 minutes for questions
Time: 7pm - 8.15pm (AEST)
Cost: $15
Register: Event Details (
Suitable for: Carers of primary and secondary age children.
Please note this session is not designed for children to attend or for those caring for someone with an eating disorder.
In Victoria, sun protection is usually required from mid-August to the end of April when the UV reaches 3 and above.
Study Success
If you or your child need any extra support with dealing with stress, please see a member of the wellbeing team or encourage your child to attend Mindfulness sessions held on Mondays at lunch time with Chris Haddad wellbeing staff member.
Health Pop Up
Our next Health Pop Up is being planned for Term 4. Details to come…
Kaye Walker (Health Promotion Nurse) + Prue Smith (Health Space Nurse)
Vic kids eat well
We’re part of the Vic Kids Eat Well movement so we can boost healthier food and drink options. #VicKidsEatWell @VicKidsEatWell
More details to come…
Health Promotion Nurse
The Health Promotion Nurse Kaye Walker (DET Secondary School Nurse) is available on Monday and Tuesday and located in the Wellbeing Centre.
The role is primarily health promotion focused and attached is an infographic to explain the role.
PLEASE NOTE: The health promotion nurse cannot undertake long term counselling around psychological, relationship or educational problems.
To make a referral please follow the wellbeing referral process.
Regards, Kaye