Sports @ SCC

Middle School Sport News

Last week, selected students from Years 7-9 represented the College at the annual Associated and Catholic Colleges (ACC) Cross Country Carnival at Perry Lakes. This ACC event is the largest single-day event of the year with over 70 schools participating. This year, SCC fielded runners in the Under-13, Under-14, Under-15 and Under-16 categories. 


For many runners in the team, this was their first experience of inter-school cross country in high school. With around 3000 competitors in total and over 400 runners in each race, it was a fantastic opportunity for our students to be involved in. All of our students gave their best efforts and should be very proud of their results.


The official times and places for our runners are listed below:

Primary Sports News

Our fixture against St Munchin’s Catholic School in Week 5 saw the end to an excellent Eagles Cup round-robin competition. It was wonderful to see how much all of the students have grown in their leadership, teamwork and cooperation skills throughout their involvement in the sports this term. Soccer, Netball A and Netball B all won their games and AFL lost by 4 points in a very tight contest. 


This Friday, our Soccer and Netball A teams will be competing in the Grand Final against St Joseph’s (soccer) and Sacred Heart (netball).


Primary Cross Country

On Friday morning (9 June), students from Kindy to Year 6 will be participating in the Cross Country Carnival. They have been busily preparing and practising for the carnival in their Physical Education lessons and with their Learning Space teachers. Please refer to the separate communication sent from the College yesterday regarding approximate times for each year group event.