Middle School News

Year 7 to Year 9

Middle School Update

Communication between teachers and parents/caregivers is vital for our young people to achieve to the best of their abilities at school. SEQTA - Engage is used to update, inform, guide, and ultimately support our students to achieve positive results in the subjects.


Each Middle School student's Progress Report was uploaded to SEQTA at the end of Term One, and by the end of this term, the Semester One Interim Report will be made visible at the 'halfway mark' of the year in week 10. With this in mind, students will be completing assessments over the next few weeks, so please discuss what is upcoming with them and be aware of notifications being sent out from teachers to help support their individual success. 


We continue to have events organised by our wonderful staff to support our students' holistic development. Thanks so much to:

  • Mr Old for organising Armed for Life to talk to our Year 9 girls and boys on how to learn how to build their self-esteem, develop self-awareness, find their own inner resilience, tackle bullying in-person and online, foster healthy relationships.
  • Mrs Brown and Mr Di Sabato for organising and supervising the assembly where Lorin Nicholson was invited to engage with our Year 7s. Our students were taken on a journey of courage and determination, integrity of spirit and respect for others, to which they responded with resounding enthusiasm and appreciation.
  • Mrs Furfaro, for organising our Year 7s to attend St Francis Xavier Church with their PCG teachers and Year Coordinator Mr Di Sabato.
  • Mr Johns for organising MPA skills to bring their resources to school for our Year 9s
  • Mr Loh for taking our Middle School Students to the ACC Cross Country with the support of coaches Mr Johns and Mr Thurkle.
  • Mrs Burrows for her wonderful organisation of HASS week, which had students from Years 7 - 9 engaged in fun activities from Lego building to lunchtime movies with the support of numerous staff.

We are truly blessed to have staff (teachers and support staff) at Salvado Catholic College who are driven to provide opportunities and experiences for our students. These go beyond what is 'expected' of them and are all done to benefit our young people and provide them with the knowledge and experience to find their passion in life, using the God-given talents which they all possess. 


Mr Brendan McGrath

Head of Middle School (Yr 7 to Yr 9)

Read on about our Learning Areas

Mathematics in Action!


There are interesting lessons and activities in our Year 7 and Year 8 classes. Read and find out!





Students had an educational and fun-filled week participating in HASS activities



MPA Skills

This Term, students in Year 9 received the opportunity to be the first school in WA to engage and connect with MPA Skills in a short course Try-a-Trade opportunity. The Trades which students have connected with are Plumbing, Painting and the new and growing industry of Hydro technology.


Students participated in a half-day session developing basic understanding and skills of these trades, to hopefully assist them in making decisions about what they may like to plan for their future.


The enthusiasm and enjoyment of the students who received these opportunities had been positive. 


We are looking forward to seeing where the Year 9 Students at Salvado decide to go, and the paths they take - whether it be in a trade, TAFE, University or straight to the job sector market. We are aiming to allow students to discover, explore and experiment in the careers field to help them make the right decision.