College Notices

Vinnies' Winter Appeal

Beginning in Week 8, we welcome families to help support the LifeLink/Vinnies' Winter Appeal. 


On Friday 16th June, students are encouraged to donate a gold coin and participate in a Winter Warmth Day. Primary students may come to school in their snuggliest pyjamas, dressing gowns and slippers (closed in footwear only please)! While the secondary students can fight off the chill with their warmest beanies and scarves! Donations will be presented to LifeLink, to assist people in desperate need throughout WA. 


We will also be accepting donations of new blankets, which will be gifted to the Vinnies' Winter Warmth Appeal. A collection point will be available before school, in the Covered Assembly Space. We will continue to accept donations until Friday, 23rd June. 


Thank you for your support. Your gift will benefit the many people in need throughout WA this winter.

Semester One Interim Reports

Semester One Interim Reports, for Pre-Primary to Year 9 students, will be accessible at the end of Term 2 by logging in to SEQTA Engage.


As per the SEQTA Engage eCommunication sent at the start of the year, all parents/carers are asked to download the free SEQTA Engage app to their phones. Alternatively, it can be accessed by the website link –  


For parents/carers who have not previously created an account or a new to the College, an automatically generated email was sent to you today, Wednesday 7 June, (to the email address that is in our system). This link will expire in one week. Please ensure you click on this link and set up your account (please check your junk mail also). We request that parents/carers please check that they are able to access this system now (and prior to the end of term).


If you require any assistance with your account setup, please email


Parents/Carers are also reminded to download and save all of your child/ren’s reports from SEQTA Engage to your own devices.


Benedict Day Sausage Sizzle!

This notice is for students and families of Benedict House.


If your child has dietary restrictions, please complete this form by Thursday 22 June, at 3pm. 


We are also appealing for help from parents/carers to assist on Benedict Day (Tuesday 27 June). Kindly complete the above form if you are able to do so.



Free RAT kits


We have free test kits available (both saliva and nasal types). If you are in need of some, please come to the Front Office and ask for some. 



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