A Message from the Principal

Learning at Salvado Catholic College 

At Salvado we challenge every learner in our community to seize their potential and push the boundaries of possibility. We have a focus on developing confident, creative and successful learners who are resilient and committed to being their best selves. 


In delivering a dynamic and engaging educational environment at the College, we nourish the learning journey of each individual child in a safe environment to help them reach their full potential as engaged learners, developing the skills to work collaboratively and be lifelong learners. Our aim is for students to have a clear voice and choice in their learning and to lead their own educational journey as they transition through the College. 


We know that learning happens anywhere, anytime. We therefore focus on the delivery of a rich array of curricular and co-curricular activities across the years. This philosophy of learning has been in evidence of late at the College through the exceptional efforts and strong sense of agency demonstrated by a number of different student groups.


I would like to highlight the efforts of two groups of students. Firstly, our Year Six students who represented the College in the Eagles Cup Inter-School Sports (Netball, Soccer and AFL) over a three-week period. The students represented the College in an exceptional manner. It was very pleasing to see students challenge themselves by participating in sports they would not normally involve themselves in outside of school. These students stepped out of their comfort zones and are commended for their efforts. Two of the teams, Netball A and Soccer,  were undefeated finishing top of their division, and will be playing in the Grand Final of the Year 6 Eagles Cup on Friday 9 June. Thank you also to the amazing staff who coached and helped with the teams - Mr Loh, Mrs Jeeves, Mrs Rosario, Mrs Ivers and Ms Robinson. 


The second group of students is the Middle School Cross Country Team who represented the College at the ACC Carnival on 1 June at Perry Lakes. I attended the Carnival and it was wonderful to see the students supporting and encouraging each other in every race. We celebrate the participation of all students in the Carnival and acknowledge the efforts the students made to attend the training sessions provided for the students by the staff. Thank you to Mr Loh, Mr Johns and Mr Thurkle. 


In reflecting on these events, the message is one of encouragement for students to step forward. Learning is cumulative and we want our students, as empowered learners, to become agents of their own education and to seek out growth opportunities each and every day at the College.


Peace & Goodness to all,

Ian Hagen
