Term 2 Specialist News

Visual Art 

The Term 2 Visual Arts Unit of Inquiry is called 'The Human Body in Art', which integrates with the Transdisciplinary theme- 'Who We Are'. The Unit focuses on the representation of the human figure in Art- Looking at how different artists- Leonardo Da Vinci, Michael Angelo, Ron Mueck, Atelier Stella and Otecki used sculpture, painting and drawing to depict the human figure.  


Students Create:

  • A self-portrait illustration in chalk pastels on black card. They applied effective use of colour, detail and form to reflect expressive character and self-image
  • A snapshot of painted eyes on a wooden block. The students utilised skilled application of paint and considered use of colour, to capture creative expression within the limited area of the eyes 
  • Ceramic sculpture of abstract facial parts. This activity required clay modelling ability to capture detail of individual facial features and effective composition of the sculpture 


Term 2, students have been learning about the properties of Light and Sound which has prepared our students for the Inquiry into the Human body in Term 2. 


This was further supported with activities examining physical responses to fear, laughter, head lice and blinking. To conclude the term, we will be examining meat to provide a practical demonstration of our muscles, joints and organs. 


We’ve had a couple of special visitors as well with a Peron’s tree frog, Bearded dragon and a variety of skinks and geckos coming to the Science lessons for a day. The ‘Come and Look’ and ‘Come and touch’ tables have been very well received with many contributions from our students. 


The children are timetabled weekly, to borrow books from the library with their classroom teachers. During these borrowing sessions, they will gain a better understanding of library locations and the borrowing/returning procedures. 


The focus will be on reading for enjoyment, interest and information. The children will have the opportunity to consolidate their literacy skills and further their development in literature appreciation. 

The library program also supports and extends the units of inquiry being studied in each year level and provides classrooms with resources to enrich the units offering varied forms of information. 


Physical Education 


Unit Of Inquiry

'Who we Are' 


Invasion Games:

Netball and Basketball modified games 

Circus skills and beginning of athletics 



  • Incorporate aspects of physical fitness into warm up activities    
  • Cross country training and competition for school team selection 
  • Refine the Fundamental Motor Skills of passing and catching in modified invasion games   
  • Introduce the concepts of attacking and defending and moving into space during modified games and working towards set netball and basketball type skills 
  • Work towards development of learning rules to a netball and basketball game 
  • Circus skills to develop combinations of movement through balance, hand eye coordination, strength, rotation and creativity   



Responsibility- How do we work together as a team and communicate with each other in both a group setting and individually when practicing a skill. 


Learner Attributes:




Unit Of Inquiry

'Who We Are' 

Just as the systems in the body all work together to maintain good health, so does a 

group of musicians need to work together to create a good performance. The lessons this term, will focus on how the elements of music combine together, to form a cohesive performance.  


Students Will: 

  • Establish a communal pulse and groove, securing a sense of beat as they experiment with different body percussion and beat patterns and to also use it as a foundation for exploring rhythms, melody and ‘groove’  
  • Gain an understanding of groove or feel in music by listening to and responding to music using movement  
  • Cultivate an awareness of a range of musical styles
  • Learn and create rhythms and melodic patterns and perform along with the song Bicycle 
  • Understand how being creative means learning from your mistakes/happy accidents 
  • Experiment with and explore different possibilities, through listening, storytelling, singing and playing
  • Understand ‘Call and Response’ structure and be able to collectively compose lyrics using that technique 
  • Learn about looping and how to create a soundscape using loops and ‘found sounds’ 
  • Develop skills in improvising and therefore become confident to improvise over and within a known structure 
  • Revise the musical elements: rhythms, melodies and loops from the piece Bicycle  
  • Reflect upon their experience and learning
Arla Anderson - Art
Nicole La Gerche - Art
Merry Graham - STEM
Deb Balll - Library
Kirsty Hall -PE
Dan Farmer - PE
Arla Anderson - Art
Nicole La Gerche - Art
Merry Graham - STEM
Deb Balll - Library
Kirsty Hall -PE
Dan Farmer - PE