Wine, Chocolate & Cookies

Wine, Chocolate & Cookies please!

Please bring any bottle of wine over the value of $10 for the lucky bottle stall by Friday 23rd March.

Lucky Bottles gives you the chance to pick up a great bottle of wine for $10.


Blocks of chocolate for the Chocolate Toss are needed. Bring to the office by Friday 23rd March.

Chocolate Toss is a fun game for everyone. Throw your coin onto the blocks of chocolate and see if it stays. If it slides off you'll have to try again but if it stays you keep the chocolate!


Baked Goods - Cookies, Cakes, slices and jams

The cafe would appreciate your donation of baked goods.

Drop off to the hall or staff room on Friday 23rd March or Sat by 10.00am.


This is separate to the Cake Competition

Please write what your goods are so we know what we're selling and list all ingredients.