Principal's News

Principal's News

The challenges of parenting and raising children are extremely complex – clearly this is something you all know and experience on a regular basis. From personal experience as a parent of my three children and as a teacher and school leader, I know how strong the temptation is to solve our children’s problems for them. While this approach sometimes satisfies our own needs and perhaps solves the issue at hand, it doesn’t empower our children or allow them to develop communication and problem solving skills that will stand them in good stead in the future. I am always extremely impressed when students come to me with a problem that they are able to articulate and discuss with a view to finding a resolution. Obviously their capacity to do so increases with age but even a prep student is able to verbalise a problem or concern (even if adult support is nearby).


I read the following quote recently and it struck a chord – next time your child is facing a problem at school, support and encourage them to be brave and attempt to resolve the issue without direct parent intervention. Of course, that is not to say that we aren’t happy to discuss issues with you – that may occur alongside or as part of this process – but ultimately an approach that empowers your child is likely to have powerful long-term benefits.


Before we step in and fight battles for our kids, we need to filter it through “is this a battle that they can handle themselves?” It is often better to spend the time working with them on how to resolve the issue themselves than to jump in and rescue.  Rescuing can send the message, “you are not capable or strong enough to do it yourself so I will take care of it”.


School Council


Our first Council meeting for 2018 was conducted on Wednesday, which included the election of office bearers and a number of key points of business.


  • The Camp Australia contract expires at the end of 2018 and we are interested in hearing from any parents who are interested in joining a working party to consider our options from 2019 onwards. Please contact Fiona Kirby or Jen McCann if interested.
  • Council approved the installation of split system air conditioners in the three Prep classrooms and 3EO to replace the evaporative coolers.
  • Council ratified the 2018 Annual Implementation Plan.
  • Council approved in principle all overnight activities & camps for 2018.
  • Fiona Kirby & Sheree Knight were endorsed as the 2018 School Fete convenors.


2018 School Council


Mel Cooper (President)

Michael Wong (Vice President)

Trudi Gumley (Treasurer)

Jen McCann (Secretary)

Duncan Cant (Exec Officer)

Deb Gray

Laura Gai

Laura Raniere

Fiona Kirby

Mark Butler

Sarah Harper

Martin Kelly


Former students

The nature of primary schools means that we generally lose touch with former students as they move into and through their secondary school education. Throughout January of this year, I was fortunate to hear of a high number of our former students who had excelled in their Year 12 studies and had been accepted into tertiary programs including medicine, law, physiotherapy, engineering theatre and more. As is often said, young people are not defined by their ATAR scores, but we were delighted to hear of their success and wish them well for the future. Others that we know of have moved successfully into trades and other vocations and we are equally proud of their achievements and reflect with satisfaction that the foundations laid at Old Orchard have played a small but important part in the successes of these students and their development as quality young members of the community.


Welcome Picnic

It was great to see many of our school families in attendance at the Welcome Picnic last night – in particular, many of our new Prep families enjoyed a relaxing evening with friends. Thank-you to the staff and school families who attended and to school family Danny and Maree O’Kane who provided the food van and jumping castle.


Sports Academy


2018 has seen the introduction of a Sports Academy at Old Orchard for 22 Year 5 and 6 students. The students meet twice weekly with our P.E. teacher Sam Snow and will undertake a program that addresses skill development but also a wide range of other areas such as teamwork, preparation, nutrition, goal setting and more, including some highly credentialed guest presenters. This is a very exciting development at Old Orchard and Sam is to be commended on the great program that she has developed. Thanks also to Brett Lavale from Monash Sport for his support and expertise.


Congratulations Andrea


Congratulations to staff member Andrea Peters and her fiancée Jarrod on their wedding this afternoon. We extend our best wishes to them both for a long and happy life together and trust that today is a very enjoyable and special occasion for all involved.


Cyber Safety & Social Media


Barely a day passes without mention in the media of issues relating to use of technology or social media and the challenges that presents for parent, school and young people. As recently as yesterday we had an issue at school that had spilled over from students using Instagram injudiciously (this took place at home, well outside of the school’s control). Recently I attended a presentation by Holly Ransom where she spoke about the challenges our children face – she related experiences of speaking with primary school children who were ‘managing’ up to six social media accounts. I also came across the following article which I thought was terrific and quite thought provoking, especially for those with children who have or may be soon to have their own mobile phone.


Ultimately, the most important message for parents in relation to use of technology, the internet and social media is to ensure that you are in control and that you set the rules. In so many other aspects of life such as driving, using machinery, cooking and more, we support our children and ensure they are safe before progressing to the next stage and independence – I encourage you to think about how effectively you are guiding your children in the safe use of technology and social media. There is a great deal of online support available with a good starting point being the following website  


Year 5 Camp


Best wishes to staff and students as they prepare to head off on the Year 5 camp to Campaspe Downs (Kyneton) on Monday. The weather forecast looks promising and I’m sure that it will be a fantastic week.


Warm regards

