Library News 

Scholastic Book Club Issue 6

Issue six is a digital catalogue again (see below).


Once you’ve made your selections, you can order through the LOOP page:


Go to LOOP to place your order as normal by:




Unfortunately as we are unable to receive the orders back to school, you will need to have your order delivered to your home address for a fee of $5.99.


If you have any questions or queries, please contact me


Britannia School

We have a free trial to this excellent resource, from Encyclopedia Britannica, until the end of August. You can access this from home as follows:



*AccessID: newlandps

Passcode: trial


* not a typo it is newlandps


For those of you doing Inquiry this term Britannia can hep you in many ways and from an information literacy perspective is a more trusted resource than Wikipedia.


To clarify Primary is P-4 and Middle is 5-9.


Story Box Library

We have a subscription to this until the end of the year.

Access details are:


Username: Newlands

Password: Library2020


Remember you can filter the stories by age, theme, author, story teller and height.

