Grades 4-6

Still going strong through Remote Learning via Teams and Seesaw! 


We have been reading about different musical and cultural influences, and using these to create our own Lyrical Poems.   Students have been eager to share their amazing creativity and singing.




Spanish Literatura

We have continued to focus on persuasive features in persuasive books. We looked at hechos (facts) y opiniones (opinions) and how to include oraciones emotivas (emotive sentences) in our persuasive plans.


This week in Mathamatics we started to explore what else we can measure in the world, eg. Air pressure and sound. We then took a deep dive in to measuring the volume of sound and the frequency. We tested the hearing range of people in our house, recorded the data, displayed it in a graph and then made some conclusions based on our findings.

 We also created our own melodies using an online tone generator, calculating the difference in sound frequencies and ensuring that we the write amount of beats.



In Matemáticas, we have continued estimando (estimating) and midiendo (measuring) lengths of objetos (objects) around our casa (house). This week we used formal units of measurement such as rulers, to measure in centímetros (centimetres).



We have continued to investigate different cultures by researching and experimenting with different ideas, such as cooking, designing fashion, creating music and looking at different music from around the world.  

We have also kept our end product in mind, which is to collaboratively create a music video based on our cultural research. To do this, we have selected where our passions and interest are, choosing from creating the music, choreographing the dance and drama aspects, or creating the back drops and costumes for the music video.