Mrs Jillian Rainger

COVID 19 Necessities

New advice is coming regarding COVID 19 procedures for the school. We will send home this information as soon as we receive the latest directives.

Compass Parent Portal

We are moving towards cancelling our Skoolbag app subscription and moving towards using COMPASS as our parent portal. Our goal is to have every family being able to access the COMPASS portal by the end of the year. Our Semester 2 reports will be published only on the Parent Portal. In the coming weeks, we will be sending emails to families not currently on the portal with their log in details. Please make the effort to access the site as well as downloading the app for your mobile devices.

Enrolments for 2021

I am currently conducting Kindergarten interviews for 2021. Our next step is to have interviews for other year groups. We have some students enrolling for Year 7. If you know of any families who are considering a move to Holy Trinity then please let them know we are enrolling now. On the flipside to this, if you are planning to leave Holy Trinity in 2021 we would also love to know to help with our planning. I am currently organising staffing for next year. Please do us the courtesy of letting us know by emailing me, calling and speaking with me or sending me a letter.


School Survey

Next week we will be sending out emails and links for our annual online school survey. Your thoughts and opinions are appreciated.

Uniform Update

From September 1st students are able to wear their summer uniform. Until the end of Term 3, students may wear either their winter or summer uniform but not a combination of both. Thank you to our families for making a considerable effort with the wearing of our uniform. Please remember it is not acceptable to have motifs/stripes/zigzags cut into haircuts.