Expecting the Unexpected

Within our Statement of Philosophy sits a believe that: "We believe that children have the ability to become masters of skills and have the right to have their love for learning continuously ignited.  Therefore we continuously encourage children to see beyond what is in front of them and to challenge their thinking towards endless possibilities."


We do not need to spend long within the Centre to see this contextualised amongst the interactions that our children have with each other, the educators and the environment.  I am often amazed at the questions that our children ask and the expression that they give to presenting their thinking.    


As the Director, I have sat in a place of contemplation as I have read through this statement over the holidays and wondered what am I dreaming for Curiosity and what are some of the endless possibilities?  Our Principal, David Wilksch came and spent time with the Lead Educators last night to consider this theme - Think Big.  In the Bible,  Isaiah 54:2-4 shares of a time where God's people were encouraged to increase their influence with a dependence of His character and blessings.  As they pressed into the promises He had spoken, that there would be an expansion in a physical sense of ownership but spiritual sense as they stepped out and were courageous.


As we begin Term 3, I can identify with this part of the Bible as we continuously see new enrolments for children come in, Allied Service Providers join us in partnership to offer support to our children and our staff team increases with many talented and passionate educators. 


Curiosity has been a dream for many of us that is now alive and well and offers us endless possibilities as long as we continue to be courageous and embrace all the good things that God has for us.  I pray that this be true for you and your families too.


This year has brought with it many challenges but endless possibilities.  As we have pushed through with creative solutions and have adjusted our mindsets to expect the unexpected, there has been this undeniable sense that God certainly has blessed Curiosity Early Learning Centre with an amazing community of learners and their families. 


Thank you for being part of our story.

Mrs Jacqui Gliddon
