Dates For The Diary

Week 5

Monday 20th May

10-11.30: NAPLAN Year 3 Language Conventions

12.30-2:  NAPLAN Year 5 Language Conventions

2.45: Whole School Assembly

Tuesday 21st May

10-11.30: NAPLAN Year 3 Numeracy

12.30-2: NAPLAN Year 5 Numeracy

3.30-5.45: Harmony Garden Working Bee

Thursday 23rd May

12-2: Songroom for 2/3G & 4/5VN

1-3: Tuning into Teens Parent Program

Friday 24th May

9-10.30: Smalltalk Playgroup

9.30-11: Fitzroy Primary Open Morning

12-2: Brothers & Sisters in 5/6C

Week 6

Monday 27th May

2.45: Whole School Assembly

Wednesday 29th May

3.30-4.30: French Bilingual subcommittee meeting (School Council)

Thursday 30th May

12-2: Songroom for 2/3G & 4/5VN

1-3: Tuning into Teens Parent Program

Friday 31st May

9-10.30: Smalltalk Playgroup

12-2: Brothers & Sisters in 5/6C

Looking ahead

Monday 10th June 

Queen's Birthday Public Holiday - no school today

Wednesday 19th June

9.30-11: Open Day 

Scienceworks excursion for 4/5VN & 5/6C

Thursday 27th June

Reports published to parents on Compass

Friday 28th June

End of Term 2 - early dismissal at 2.15pm