Focus: Speak Kindly

This fortnight at BAPS, students have been focusing on speaking kindly to others. 

All classes take part in PBL lessons within the classroom. Students are taught problem-solving strategies that encourage them to be Safe, Respectful Learners at all times, in all settings.


Students are encouraged to speak kindly to teachers, office ladies, other children, visiting teachers, parents and the community, canteen ladies, librarian and our principal. This fortnight, classes talked about ways they can speak kindly to others, which included being 'bucket fillers' - a strategy that encourages them to give thoughtful and genuine compliments to others to fill their 'bucket'. 


All classes are revising our SHARP and PLANT strategies to set the tone for 2019.

Your child can earn tickets in our PBL raffle for displaying positive behaviours in the playground including keeping hands and feet to self.


If you would like to know more about PBL at BAPS, please stay tuned for our new PBL page on the website. Coming soon!