Principals Message

Week 9 Term 1

Harmony Day 

Our children celebrated Harmony Day on the 21st  March and it was great to see our students showing pride and celebrating difference.  It’s a day created to celebrate Australia’s diversity – a day of cultural respect for everyone who calls Australia home, with 45 percent of Australians being born overseas or having at least one parent who was.  Respect of difference is a value we need to foster within our children and Harmony Day gives us a great opportunity to do so.


Parents and Citizens Association Annual General Meeting 

Following the AGM, we would like to congratulate and welcome our newly elected P&C executive for 2019:

President - Tracey Christie 

Vice-President - Coby Hendry 

Vice-President - Amy Robinson 

Secretary - Louisa Rigby 

Treasurer - Jade Milos 



Uniform - Tracy Christie, Coby Hendry, Kylie Zakaria 

Fundraising - Kylie Zakaria and Joanne Gawthorne

Student Banking - Alison Kirkpatrick


Volunteers are always required, so if you would like to have a fuller share, have any suggestions or would like to become a P&C member, please contact one of our executive members. Our P&C are always looking for new members and encourage everyone to come to our next meeting on Monday 13 May, 2019 at 5:30 pm in the staff room. Please join us and express your valued thoughts and opinions.


Driving around the school 

Can I ask that everyone takes care when driving around our school.  Even with our teachers discussing road safety often in class, children can be unpredictable and put themselves at risk.  Parking a safe distance from crossings and staying below the 40 km speed limit will make our school surroundings safer.  Children do not start to develop the awareness required to be safe around roads until after 12 years of age. 


Kinfolk Student Cafes 

Our wonderful new canteen would like to hear your opinions on the changes.  If you have a spare 5 minutes, please take the time to share your views through the survey link below... 


Morning Supervision

During the last few weeks, some of our students have been arriving at school prior to the 8:25 am bell. Teachers are rostered on to ensure we have supervision of the play areas throughout the day, but not prior to 8:25 am.  Could you please ensure that all children arrive after this bell, as we want to ensure all children are safe at all times. 



Thank you to all of our parents who have signed up for the school app and ‘liked’ our page on Facebook. We are receiving positive feedback from our community, stating this is a better way to communicate.  Great care is taken to ensure that any pictures posted do not personally identify children, but are discussed in a general manner. If you have previously chosen to not give permission for your child to be published and wish to change your preference, please call the school and we will send home another permission form.  


My Leave 

This will be my last newsletter for the term as I will be taking personal leave in Week 11.  Mrs Naomi White will be relieving Principal.


Take care and remember to remind our children how special they are. 


Mr Dalkeith