School Activities

Maritime Museum Excursion 

Last Tuesday Rooms 24, 25, 29 and 30 went on an excursion to the Maritime Museum as part of our unit of work on history. We visited the Museum and also spent some time exploring some Port Adelaide attractions. We had a fantastic day! 

Rooms 24 and 25

"Yesterday me and my class went on an excursion. We had a really fun time.

My class went on a boat, I saw two dolphins. We all wore life jackets.

The next thing we did was climbing the lighthouse. I had a great view. I was a bit scared.

Then we went to the Maritime Museum. We went on the Pirate ship. I played a game with Ava and Annamia. I was having a great time. I and my class had some lunch.

My Dad came then we went to the rock pool, then we went back to the maritime museum then we went back to the bus.

It was a long day but the best day of my life." by Lucy F

Rooms 29 and 30

This is Sienna H recount of the day:


"On Tuesday, all the year ones went on an excursion to the Maritime Museum in Port Adelaide. We went because we were learning about HASS.



First, we went on the bus. I sat beside Sasha.



Then, we ate fruit and recess. When we finished fruit and recess we went into the Maritime Museum and got to go on the ketch. We got to go on the dolphin cruise. I saw a dolphin.



Finally, we went to school on the bus.



I loved going to Port Adelaide because it was fun. I felt happy because I was with my friends."


Refugee Interviews - Room 11

Interviewed: Ella W and Hannah J


Q: Who is a refugee?

A: Ella: It’s a person who has been forced to leave their country, because of a natural disaster or human-made disaster.


Q: How did you feel about refugees as you were researching and creating your art?

A:  Ella & Hannah: When we were researching we found it was sad because innocent, small children were kept in detention centres, when they should be raised in a safe and happy home.


Q: Your artwork was shortlisted for the SA refugee week youth poster exhibition 2018. What was your reaction when you found out that you were shortlisted?

A:  Ella: I was impressed in myself and I didn’t think I would get shortlisted. 

Hannah: When I was called out, I turned pink and felt honoured. 


Q: What does your artwork say about refugees?

A: Ella: That they deserve to stay in Australia and not go to detention centres, which is unfair and cruel. They are human beings too, just like you and your family.

 Hannah: That many people can become refugees, but anyone can support them.


Q: Where was the exhibition and what happened?

A: Ella & Hannah: The Refugee Exhibition was at the Hawke Centre in the city. There were presentations from many adults and after those presentations there was an 11 year -old boy from Iran who sang a song, he learnt from his father’s country. There was also a large variety of multicultural food at the end, which was delicious.


Q: After seeing all of the artwork at the exhibition, what do you understand about what it’s like for refugees?

A:  Ella & Hannah: I understand the hard life they’ve been through, and it’s amazing how so many people care so much about refugees.


Q: Were there any pieces of artwork that made you feel strongly about refugees, and what about them made you feel like that?

A:  Ella & Hannah felt empathy for the refugees, and that it would feel horrible leaving all the things they love behind.


Q: What do you think it would be like being a refugee?

A:  Hannah & Ella: It would be a really hard life losing your family and the things you love.


Q: What was the most powerful message you got from all of the artwork?

A: Ella & Hannah: That refugees lead a really hard life that they don’t deserve, and we are very fortunate and grateful that we have a home in the country we safely live in with our family.


Reporters: Kelly W and Maggie J

Lab on Legs - Light Shows

On Thursday the 28th of June, the Year 5's from Room 8, 9, 10 and 11 were lucky enough to have Frank from Lab on Legs come to Grange to set up some Light Shows experiments for students to investigate. Students engaged with four different stations looking at light absorption, reflection and refraction. 


"I enjoyed learning about which colour car absorbed the most heat from light."



"I thought using the temperature gun to discover which colour liquid heated up the quickest under the lamp was fun and informative. Blue was the colour to absorb the most heat."



"Using multiple mirrors to reflect light onto a target was my favourite experiment."



A Visit from the Crows

On Monday 25th June, four Crows players visited Grange and ran a super football clinic with Mr Tom's Year 3's and Ms Abela's Year 4's. Enjoy the photos below.