School News
The Big Chop
On Tuesday 4 September, Wanganui Park Secondary College and GOTAFE teamed up with Sustainable Salons and the Variety Children’s Charity for The Big Chop.
Twenty-four students and teachers made the brave and generous decision to donate their ‘ponytails’ to be made into wigs for children who suffer from Alopecia Arecta and Cancer.
The amount of hair donated by Wanganui will see around 10 to 12 wigs made for this worthwhile cause. Well done to everyone who was involved!
On Wednesday evening a parent information session was held at the school to inform you about the the Vertical Modular Grouping system that runs throughout years 8, 9 and 10.
If you were unable to attend the evening and would like to know more about VMG, then access the Wanganui Park Secondary College public website for the Power Point and presentation notes from the evening. You will also find the VMG handbook, which can be downloaded. This document contains an overview of module (unit) details. Please contact your child’s Learning To Learn teacher or Karen Utber, Assistant Principal, if you have any questions.
Over the next two weeks your child will be learning about the VMG selection process in their classes. They will then be required to select classes for Semester 1, 2019 before FRIDAY 12th OCTOBER. Use the upcoming Parent-Student-Teacher interviews to speak to teachers about your child’s selections and together we will best place your child for a successful and enjoyable Year 8.