Principal's Report

Dear Parents and Guardians,
Welcome to Term 2. I hope you were able to enjoy a well-earned break from school routine with family and friends. I am pleased that a number of restrictions have been lifted for the start of term 2, including the wearing of masks for students in Years 3 -6 and staff. Please note anyone who wishes to continue to wear a mask whilst at school is able to and will be supported to do so. Please contact your child’s teacher if you would like your child to continue to wear a mask and they will encourage and remind them and can also let you know if they become reluctant to wear it, just so you are aware.
Professional Practice Day (PPD): Students are not required at school on Friday 27th May. Since 2018, the workplace agreement on staff workload and wages granted each teacher one day per term to develop their teaching skills in an area of their choice. These days are referred to as Professional Practice Days (PPD). Historically, teachers have been released from the classroom by providing a casual relief teacher (CRT). Our new enterprise agreement has three PPD scheduled in 2022, with the first one occurring in Term 2. As with most industries there is limited supply of staff and in the Education sector this affects the availability of CRTs to replace illness. Having the added burden of replacing all teachers across the State with a CRT for the PPD, the department has decided schools can provide all teachers the Term 2 PPD on the same day with students not required at school on that day. We are negotiating with Extend about whether they can have students cared for on this day and will let you know as soon as we have finalised this. Please make arrangements for your child for Friday 27th May 2022.
Parents On-Site: Another restriction that has been lifted is that parents are no longer required to be vaccinated to come on-site. This is great news for parents who need to come to the school for meetings, which can now be face-to-face, rather than via WebEx. Please note, if your preference continues to meet via WebEx we can arrange that as well.
Assembly: With the lifting of vaccination requirements for parents to be on-site we can now have parents at assembly. Each Friday the gates at the front of the school will be open from 2.10 pm so parents can enter and make their way to the gym. After assembly parents will be able to wait in the school ground for the students to be dismissed at 3.05 pm.
Opening Gate Times Change: After attending the Principal Briefing yesterday I can now confirm the changed arrangements for the opening of gates and parents entering school, which will take effect from Monday 2nd May 2022. Gates will be open from 8.30 am each morning. Parents can now enter the school with their child/children however we ask parents NOT to enter the buildings. We still need to be mindful of social distancing requirements in confined spaces – like buildings – and the children have shown they are all very capable of getting themselves organised each morning! Please be aware the supervision by staff will not occur until 8.40 am so any children who arrive before this time should have a parent/carer with them. The buildings will remain closed until the music begins at 8.48 am when the children will be able to enter their classrooms. Please let them know where to meet you at the end of the day. All gates, apart from the one near the portables, will be open. Breakfast Club attendees will still need to enter via the office.
Yard Supervision: With the changing of before and after school drop coming into effect from Monday, I would like to take this opportunity to remind parents that yard duty (active supervision) commences at 8:40am and concludes at 3:20pm on school days. Please do not drop your child off at school prior to this time, unless they are attending Breakfast Club (from 8.20am). Once students arrive at school, they should not leave the grounds again until the end of the school day (unless other arrangements have been made).
I would like to remind parents that it is your responsibility to:
- ensure that your child arrives to school safely and are in the care of school staff at the beginning of the school day, and
- ensure that your child is collected from the school premises at the end of the school day, or that alternative arrangements have been made for your children
We do have a Before and After School Care Program operated by Extend available on-site every day. Please call Extend on 1300 366 437 or their website if the times when supervision is available above do not suit your personal circumstances such as work.
2023 Prep Tours and Enrolments: Mrs O’Connor and I will be conducting school tours for parents who have children due to start school next year in Prep. We have begun taking enrolments and encourage you to complete a form if you have a pre-schooler. Please let your friends know to book a tour if their first child is starting school.
Safety Around School (School Crossing Supervisors) – a message from the Police: It is of great concern that Police from both Melton and Caroline Springs have seen an escalation of violence and aggression towards School Crossing Supervisors and School Staff monitoring school drop off and pick up. With students returning to “normal” school attendance there is an increase in traffic congestion in and around schools and with this the aggression and frustration of a number of drivers. Police would like to remind all drivers that the bottom line is SAFETY. The role of the Crossing Supervisor is there to ensure the roads are safely crossed by all pedestrians and the laws are in place to protect everyone. We have seen reports of appalling behaviour that include serious threats and violence which nobody should be subject to. Some of the infringement notices that can be issued in response to this problematic behaviour are:
- Fail to stop and remain stationary at children’s crossing
- Fail to stop at the stop line when a handled stop sign is displayed, or a pedestrian is entering or on the crossing
- Proceed after stopping when the handheld stop sign is still displayed
- Proceed after stopping while a pedestrian is on or entering the crossing
- Pass stopped vehicle at children’s crossing or pedestrian crossing
All of these offences carry a fine of $454 and 3 demerit points.
Along with this is the illegal and dangerous stopping of vehicles in and around schools, particularly in the afternoon. Whilst it may be frustrating and not convenient, Police are asking that drivers make an effort to legally park their car and to refrain from remaining stationary on road causing traffic to bank up and create a dangerous environment. Walking a short distance to collect your child is far safer that causing a collision that could injury many.
As we move into Term 2 a number of operations will target school zones where infringement notices will be issued to those failing to follow the Road Rules. Some examples of the penalties are:
- Drive motor vehicle on a path, nature strip, traffic island or dividing strip – Penalty $182
- Fail to obey traffic direction given by police officer or authorised person – Penalty $363 & 3 demerit points
- Drive unlawfully in a bicycle lane – Penalty $273
- Stopped contrary to a no parking sign – Penalty $36
- Stopped on a nature strip – Penalty $109
In addition to this, parking in the driveway of the double gates near the office on Rathdowne Circuit is very dangerous. It is difficult to see pedestrians when reversing and the traffic before and after school training.
High Levels of Learning for All
Michelle Costa