Faith & Wellbeing


Hello Everyone,


Welcome back to Term 2. Term 1 was a long one. The first full term we have had since the beginning of 2020! This term is much shorter at only 9 weeks, but don’t let that fool you there is still plenty of activities to be had. 


Unfortunately, our Colour Explosion Run has had to be postponed due to the forecast for inclement weather. This event will now be held on the 2nd September due to the numerous other events already planned for this term.  However, this does give our community extra time to fundraise!


School Uniform Term 2 and 3

During Term 2 and 3 students are to wear the winter uniform. The following items are part of the winter uniform. Please note the sports jacket is not a part of the winter uniform. 

  • Long sleeve shirt 
  • Navy trousers 
  • Navy tunic 
  • White shirt with attached tie
  • Navy tights
  • Navy knee hi socks 
  • School jumper 
  • School tie 

There has been some confusion surrounding the hat. Given we have not had two full years at school we may have forgotten that the policy surrounding the wearing of the hat changed in June 2019. Students are now asked to wear the summer hat when the UV rating is above 3. Therefore the hat will need to continue to be brought to school and students will be informed if they will need to wear their hat. Thank-you for your co-operation in keeping our community safe. 


Zones of Regulation School Wide Program

During Term 1 on our school closure day staff worked through some of the social and emotional learning behaviours currently at St James. This was mentioned in a previous newsletter. Many of our staff are already using the Zones of Regulation as a means of checking in with our students in the morning. However, we have decided as a school that we would like the language to be used across the whole school including students, staff and parents. Yesterday Sarah Black, Sarah Contin, Bridie Slater and myself had the opportunity to begin the process of implementing this program across the whole school by attending a professional development webinar. During Term 2, we will meet with all staff during our PLT (Professional Learning Time held every Monday and Tuesday afternoons) to begin the implementation process. I will continue to post about our progress through our newsletters so watch this space. 


Take Care


Mrs Georgia McNamara

Students Wellbeing Leader




A BIG Thank you to the St James Community and our efforts in fundraising for Project Compassion. We raised just over $600 dollars to support those most vulnerable in our global community today.


Well done Year 3/4C who raised the most money and enjoyed a casual clothes day today.


This term our major Social Justice fundraising event is the Winter Appeal. Information will be shared with the school community in the coming weeks.



In Term 3 the Year 4 students will be participating in the Sacrament of Eucharist Program in preparation for the Eucharist Mass, 2pm Saturday 20th of August at St Joan of Arc .

Prior to the Mass we will hold a parent information session and student reflection day. These dates will be shared towards the end of the term.


Also in Term 3 we will hold reflection evenings for our Foundation, Year 1 & 2 students to celebrate our faith together. These dates will also be shared towards the end of the term



Term 2

Catholic Education Celebration - Monday 23rd - 27th of May

Feast of the Sacred Heart Mass - (TBA)


Term 3

Eucharist Parent Evening - (TBA)

Eucharist Reflection Day - (TBA)

Sacrament of Eucharist Mass  - Saturday 20th of August, St Joan of Arc at 2pm


Term 4

Confirmation Parent Evening - (TBC)

Confirmation Reflection Day - Friday 4th of November

Sacrament of Confirmation Mass - Thursday 17th of November, St Joan of Arc at 6pm



If there are any parents that require dates or a letter confirming sacraments, please email and I will be able to provide that information for you. 



For Parish Newsletters, please refer to the new Parish Website 




Emma Herbert

RE Leader / STEM & Sustainability Leader