Term 1 - Italian

Congratulations and well done to all our students at COHR who have worked so hard during their Italian lessons this term.



The students were introduced to Italian through games and song. During this term the students learnt to introduce themselves and greet each other In Italian. They were able to bring in their favourite soft toy to introduce to one another in Italian.

Through student voice the children expressed wanting to know how to count in Italian. So we began to explore the numbers from zero to dieci (10) and beyond for some! Using the parachute was a sure winner and a great way to learn our numbers in Italian!


Year 1 and 2

The students made paper bag puppets to use throughout the term during oral language activities to encourage them to talk in Italian. The focus this term was on the various ways we can greet each other in Italian and knowing when is the best time to use them.


Year 3 and 4

We started the year off getting to know each other by discovering each other’s likes in Italian. Cosa ti piace? (What do you like?). Through student voice, it was clear that the students wanted be able to have the opportunities to talk and learn lots of words in Italian. So the focus for this term was on functional everyday language. MACS (Melbourne Archdiocese Catholic Schools) encourages the use of gestures to assist with learning another language. Students have been busy learning everyday words and the matching gestures in Italian this term.


Year 5 and 6.

As with Year 3/4, the students in 5/6 were given time to reflect on their Italian learning and what they would like it to look like this year. Being able to communicate in Italian and learning more than just words but rather phrases was something that was clearly reflected in the student responses. We had a look at the common phrases that we use at school each day. The students realized that 'Can I /May I' was used frequently in a school day. So that is where we started.  Developing phrases using the word POSSO (Can I). For example, Can I go to the bathroom? Can I sit next to you? Can I play? Then also being able to answer these questions.

Ottimo Lavoro a tutti !!!!  ( Great Job! )

Silvana Pansino
