Parent Q&A 

Come here to ask questions and find out all the answers!

Dear Families, 


We are providing the opportunity for families to ask questions using the QR Code below. Answers will be published in the newsletter every week. Please read below the questions that were asked this week!



What are the school’s EFT bank details if I would like to pay my voluntary contribution school fees or make a donation? 


Any EFTPOS payment as follows:


Newlands Primary School

BSB: 063183

Account: 10023013

Description:Student Full Name,  Student Code (Can be found on SENTRAL Eg: ABC0002) - followed by purpose (Eg: Camp)

                      : Aaron Cryptic - ABC0002 - Camp Payment





How do I get in touch with the Librarian to inquire about borrowed books?


David Honeybone, our incredible librarian, can be contacted via email or you can visit the library to speak to David on Wednesdays between 3:30 to 4:00.