Senior School News

VCE Physics Day at Luna Park
On Thursday the 10th of March, the Year 12 Physics classes attended the VCE Physics Day at Luna Park. The Luna Park VCE Physics Days have been designed by experienced teachers and Luna Park’s management team to provide students with practical examples of the concepts covered in the topics ‘Motion in One and Two Dimensions’ and ‘How Fast Can Things Go?’ for Unit 3 of the VCE Physics Study Design.
We were also lucky to have the opportunity to view an aerial display by a Royal Australian Air Force pilot, involving vertical circular motion, barrel rolls and freefall, above the picturesque ocean at St Kilda Beach.
Our group of almost 40 students were required to record data on the motion of the rides and perform calculations to determine the forces experienced. Students were able to experience how forces act on our bodies when crashing bumper cars, experiencing freefall and travelling in horizontal and vertical circles (often upside-down) and at high velocities. We were able to record and then analyse acceleration data on our phones using PASCO accelerometers that students took turns wearing on the rides.
Luckily, the forces remained within manageable limits and nobody went home sick! Although we did wrap up the day with a more relaxed ride on the heritage listed carousel – an example of circular and simple harmonic motion. The students then applied their knowledge when analysing the rides both qualitatively and quantitatively in their first school assessed coursework task.
Ultimately, the excursion to Luna Park gave us the opportunity to experience physics concepts that we have been studying in a fun, social and interactive outdoor environment. The year 12 physics classes are to be commended for their fantastic behaviour and enthusiasm on the day - all while learning about ‘How Fast Things Can Go.’
Thanks to everyone who came along and to the staff that made this day possible.
Alison Wilbraham and 12 Physics Students
Unit 3 Outdoor and Environmental Studies Camp to Wilsons Prom
Our Unit 3 Outdoor and Environmental Studies class attended a camp at Wilsons Prom on the 9th -11th March.
Throughout the camp students linked their understandings of indigenous relationships, early settlers, increasing population, industrialisation and nation building and how this has impacted the society and the environment.
Students also began the Area of Study 2, looking at the contemporary uses of park including commercialisation and environmental conflict.
Students participated in a range of activities including a Parks Victoria educational session, hike to Sealers Cove and Mt Oberon and a surfing lesson.
Students were expected to plan for the trip including meals and lead during the 3 day camp.
Upon their return students will use the experience to undergo 2 assessments including a reflective journal.