Lunchtime Activities

Lunchtime Events & Activities Term 1 2022
Term 1 has been packed with full of fun for all of our Clubs, Events and Activities here at VBC!
All of our clubs have received a high amount of student engagement and participation through the term.
The new year 7s have settled and transitioned in well to life here at the college and all gravitated towards all of our Clubs , Events and Activities.
The Lunchtime Events & Activities Team is currently in the process for planning and developing our Term 2 timetable and are gauging student voice and interest in possible events and activities that may take place in term 2.
We thank all of our students and staff for their highly determined commitment and leadership shown through all of our clubs and activities and we cannot wait to see everyone in term 2!
Some of this terms clubs and activities include ;
- Bits & Bobs Club
- STEAM Club
- Music Club
- Barre Club
- Book Trivia
- Vedic Maths
- Open Gym Class
To find all Promotional posters and printed timetable please see the noticeboard in the Lunch-Box.
If you have any questions , queries or concerns please don’t hesitate to reach out to one of the coordinators listed below via TEAMs and Email.
We hope to see everyone in Club , Event or Activity over the Term 2 period.
Bits & Bobs Club Easter Colouring In Competition
Congratulations to the following students who participated and won the Bits & Bobs Club Easter Colouring In Competition:
- Chloe
- Isla
- Harper
A huge thank you to Jack Carter of Yr 11 for organising.