Junior School 

Years 7 to 9

It’s been a busy couple of weeks as we've settled back into the Term.  Below is an overview of some of the things that have been going on across the Junior School.



By the end of Wednesday 18th May, our Year 7 and 9 students will have finished all their NAPLAN tests which they have approached with the right attitude and effort which has been fantastic to see.  The majority of Year 7s rose to the ‘chip challenge’ which saw them arrive on time during lunchtime for one of their tests. As a result, students in classes 7A to 7D will get hot chips on Thursday, and classes 7E to 7H will get them on Friday. 


Students who weren’t able to sit tests at the set times, will undertake catch up tests across Thursday and Friday.


Year 8 Alternate Program

Due to significant staff absences on Monday, an alternate program was put in place for our Year 8 cohort.  We all made the best of the situation with students watching a film related to their Medieval Japanese studies, undertaking a lesson on teamwork and making towers out of spaghetti and marshmallows.  Students also completed a small research piece, looking into the date of birth of someone in their family to learn about the events and music of the times.


Year 7 Peer Support

On Tuesday our Year 7 Peer Support program focused on the issue of bullying and strategies to address bullying.  Our Peer Support Leaders shared their experiences, ran discussions and activities designed specifically to facilitate respectful relationships.


This lesson was part of our Respectful Relationships curriculum that students explore in Connect.  Next semester, Year 7 students will focus on the issue of cyber-bullying and respectful online behaviour when they complete their eSmart Digital Licence.