Let’s be honest! There is nothing too appealing about driving around on a bus to visit different suburbs compared to an excursion to Luna Park or going to the park to have a pizza party, but the Year 7 Geography Field Trip will 100% prove you wrong. 


On Monday 24 October Years 7D and 7H caught a bus and drove around Melbourne, visiting three different suburbs that would be used for a future learning task in Geography: Brighton, Mulgrave and Clayton. We went to these places respectively and wandered around the streets, recording some results in our booklets, bags on our backs and ready for the day. 


At Brighton, we walked along streets branching off North Road and ended up at the beach. The houses there were extremely large and modern or heritage. After that, we got back onto the bus and drove over to Mulgrave where we went to Waverley Park with a ginormous oval where AFL games used to be played. We walked around the uniformly arranged houses and units then eventually came back to the oval where we enjoyed our lunch at the windy field. 

Finally, we headed to Clayton and compared the livability factors to our earlier stops. The day was a very enjoyable time because it was a creative way instead of hopping onto Google Maps and checking. We got to spend time with friends and relax, so, thank you Geography teachers!

Alisa Krivulin
Alisa Krivulin

Alisa Krivulin

Year 7 Student