Prep,1 & 2 Classroom News 

We hope you all had a wonderful Mother's Day and your children spoilt you with cards and portraits and lots of love. Here is our performance from assembly last week just in case you missed it.  

What a odd Week 3 we have had. Lots of students have been off sick so our classrooms have felt rather quiet. We are so glad to see that some are feeling better and hope that those who are still poorly feel better next week - we've certainly missed our students. 


Ms Maloney has been away sick this week,  we wish her a speedy recovery and hope to see her next week. We thank Mrs Biffin again for stepping in so seamlessly. The Prep's continued learning their letter names and sounds over the last two weeks. They have looked at g,l,d,v,o y.

Students have received their reading folders and words this week. If you haven't yet had the chance, please look at Ms Maloney's term overview video on what to do with the books. Here it is again. 

They have had fun this week learning about what makes 10 or sometimes referred to as 'friends of 10'. They have loved listening to Jack Hartman's song, 'I Can Say My Number Pairs 10'. Students have played lots of hands on games with dice, counters and blocks. Make sure you ask your child about these rich experience, so they can share them at home.


During daily prayer they have been learning to say 'Amen' at the end of prayers and make the Sign of the Cross.   It has beautiful to hear the little things they share during these moments as they offer special intentions. Not surprisingly, mum, dad and pets are the popular prayer themes.   For the record, in no particular order. 


This week, students have also been listening to Andrew Chinn's, 'These hands' song. We have no doubt the children have been rattling around house with this catchy tune. 

YR. 1/2 NEWS

This weeks Resilience Project focus is around self talk. 

"Positive self-talk is a key strategy for coping with negative thoughts, emotions, and events. Resilience research shows that use of positive self-talk is associated with greater persistence in the face of challenge".

Students over the following weeks will be looking at the difference between calming and cheering coping strategies and identify times when they need to use these strategies.


This week, we've looked closely at the ‘Our Father’ prayer and the meaning of ‘give us this day our daily bread’. We discussed many years ago when Jesus was alive and when this prayer was written, bread was the main food source. The students explored why they need food to nourish their body, and also ‘feed’ their minds and spirits. What a gorgeous way to close out this learning with some actions to accompany the words. 


Continuing with our exciting MSL journey  (Multisensory Structured Language) we have added more to the sound pack.  This syllable is called the 'Vce syllable'. When the 'e' is magic, it jumps over the consonant and makes the vowel shout out its name. Don't forget to ask your child about it and see what they can remember. 


This fortnight students explored partitioning numbers using place value e.g. 36 = 30 + 6 (compact and expanded form). They added to this by then partitioninga quantity into separate parts while maintaining a sense of the whole. For example: 10 is the same as 5 and 5, 6 and 4, 5 and 4 and 1 etc. We listened to a story called, '11 Ways to Make 12' and set about solving the 11 different ways. Students are now learning to add  two-digit numbers using the jump strategy. Students practised jumping forwards by tens and ones on a number line to solve an equation and fill in the numbers on the empty number line. 

Furthermore, in Math students have been, estimating and measuring length using informal units. Students have loved these hands on activities. 

Mathematics Corner: Have A Go At Home 

With your child have a look at the picture. How many bottles of milk are in this picture? How did you get your answer? Make sure you clearly show how you arrived at your answer. 

Enabling prompt: How many bottles can you see in the top crate? How many do you think will be in the crate below it? 

Extending prompt: How long do you think it will take a cafe to use all of this milk? Make sure you clearly show how you arrived at your answer. 


Not quite Master Chef, but we certainly had lots of fun with our 'Kitchen Chemistry' experiments. Students compared the spaghetti, using their senses before and after cooking. They asked a BIG a question before starting, 'What will happen to the pasta when it is put into boiling water?' They made a hypothesis and then recorded their observations and results. 

The students thoroughly enjoyed this sensory activity and to close this experiment we read, 'Spaghetti' by Shel Silverstein and created our own spaghetti artwork. 


  1. Parent helper rosters have been shared with all classes on Seesaw have a look and add in your availability.
  2. The new 'show and tell' time table has been shared on Seesaw. Please look at the week your child is rostered for. Help them practise at home before presenting. 
  3. For more information about what's happening this term don't forget to watch the 1/2 termly overview. 


Have wonderful weekend,


The 1/2 team. 


Classroom Contacts

Should you wish to get in touch with your child’s teacher for any reason or you wish to make an appointment to speak with them, please contact them through Seesaw directly. If you prefer you can also use email. You can reach us on these addresses: