Family and Community News

Care Meal Roster

Having a full freezer with care meals is a struggle. It seems that the need for these meals in our community is becoming greater.  Until now, the process has been to have a big “cook up” once a term.  

I am hoping that, rather than a cook up, we can have a roster for families to donate a meal for the freezer.  

If we get enough names it should only mean a donation of one meal for the year.

Meals can be anything you like as long as the ingredients are written down.

If you are interested in being put on a food roster could you email please.


Coffee Morning - Monday 30th

Next Monday, May 30th, feel free to come to the auditorium at drop off for a coffee and a chat. It is hoped that this becomes a regular catch up.

Co- Regulation Script- Regulate, Respond, Reflect

It wasn't until I had my own kids that I realized regulating yourself when you are triggered by a situation takes strength. It also takes practice. So, let's practice together! I came across this script and loved it.  I hope you like it too.  :)

Thank you in advance

Judy Stewart (Family and Community Liaison Leader)