
Science News: One of the learning goals of the science team this semester is getting students back into practical work.  They typically begin with a scientific question to explore, then start their practical report with an aim and hypothesis.  They compile results in tables, graphs, or with annotated photos.  Junior students are focusing on using scientific language and accurate formatting in their reports, while seniors are perfecting their experiment design and discussion questions in preparation for their upcoming Extended Practical Investigations.  


Year 8

In Term 2 Year 8 students have been studying chemistry, with an emphasis on physical vs. chemical change.  They have been doing several experiments to determine whether physical change (a reversible change in shape, state, or appearance) or chemical change (an irreversible change where a new substance has formed) has occurred.  


Year 7 & 9 students have been studying electricity.  Year 7's have focused on static electricity and magnetism while year 9's have put together electric circuits, both in the lab and virtually via Phet simulations.  They have explored the differences between series and parallel circuits, and the relationship between current, voltage and resistance (Ohm's law) with their circuit models.  The most fun was when students from both year levels were able to do a demonstration with the VanDeGraaff generator with Mr. Gibbs.  They learned that objects - from paper to pie pans to hair- become electrically charged with friction and like charges repel (why your hair stands up).  A few volunteers even demonstrated it!


Year 11 Biology

To complement their Unit 1 study on body systems, specifically the digestive and respiratory systems, Year 11 Biology students did a rat dissection to explore the anatomy and physiology of Rattus rattus. Ashley Forster - Science & Biology Teacher