Junior School news

Vicky Gemmell and Jacqui Sidaway


The Junior School had a sensational start to a sunny Tuesday with their Walkathon around the Oval. In addition to getting out and about and active in the sunshine, students helped to raise funds that will go towards enriching our beautiful school.

Resplendent in pink or grey for Go Grey in May’s brain cancer research fundraiser

On Monday 30 May, the Senior School Service Committee organised a whole school casual clothes day and lunchtime activities to raise money for brain cancer research. Over $600 was raised by our generous community, thank you! If you’d like to make a personal tax-deductible donation to our school page, we would appreciate your generosity.


JDC Health and Physical Education

Every Monday afternoon the Prep, Year 1 and Year 2 PE classes participate in Rhythmic Expression classes with Karen Robotis that enhance students fine and gross motor skills with a focus on mindfulness and appreciation.


Students have undertaken sessions with babushka dolls, or themed with beach, flowers, and autumn leaves. One recent session was fantastic to see all students able to express their creative side with creating some mindfulness butterfly mosaic pieces dedicated to their mums.


These sessions are beneficial for students as they are able to express a sense of heartfelt joy, ideas and feelings, as well as develop spatial awareness, opportunities for decision making and continuing to work on both personal and social skills through movement practices.

Year 9’s Poetry Pharmacy Festival comes to Year 6 

In the Shelford Junior School, we learn from our teachers and from each other all the time. We are also fortunate enough to have an additional set of teachers right across courtyard – our Senior School students!


Last Wednesday, the Year 9 World of Writing (WOW) students visited the Year 6s for a Poetry Pharmacy Festival, a project aimed at exploring the therapeutic and healing qualities of poetry. Based on William Sieghart’s The Poetry Pharmacy Tried-and-True Prescriptions for the Heart, Mind and Soul, the Year 9 students curated a selection of poetry (including their own original composition) to address a range of ailments relevant to their life experience. The Year 6s had the opportunity to read and write poetry with the Year 9s, and discuss how poetry makes them feel.


During the session, energy was high. ‘It was really nice. The Year 9s weren’t as shy as I thought they’d be. The tiny messages in the bottles were a great idea and the poems were very good’ said one Year 6 student.


It was really fun getting to know the Year 9s and them helping me with my poem. 

Alana L


I think it was a bit uncomfortable but still fun. I would like to do it this again with poems or other forms of writing. 

Tarini B


The visit was special and significant to me. The poems were perfect for negative emotion. I was deeply touched and inspired by them. 

Bella X


I loved the poems because I could relate to them. The poems were very heartfelt.

Evie L


I thought it was amazing! They worked so hard. I don’t really like poetry but I still thought it was really creative! 

Ginger G


It was really fun. I got to express my deep feelings. Definitely a do again!

Annie A

Chess Club update

As an after-class educational activity, the Chess Club has done a wonderful job of balancing entertainment and education in the 45-minute-long lesson. By spending the first ten minutes on learning techniques and skills, chess players of all ages improved their level of chess by listening and solving chess puzzles on the boards. At the free-playing time (which is the next 35 minutes), all players play against each other, enjoy the happiness of victory, and study ways and shortcuts to advantage during the process. The program allows children to be fast-thinkers and politicians in their own games, cultivating their ability in multi-angle thinking. Above all, Chess Club is amazing in its own way.

Bella X, Year 6

Chess Club is really fun because you get to verse people and learn new things. It’s really interesting how many things there are to learn! It’s also really exciting because, at the end of the term, the person with the most points will get a trophy! You can earn points by listening in class or winning your game. If you have a tie, you get half a point. Also, did you know that every piece can be killed except for the king?! 

Mandy C, Year 6


Stop Motion Animation Code Club update

Stop Animation Code Club is a diverting, educational activity, available on Thursdays after school. It starts at 3.30 pm, just after school finishes, and goes until 5.00 pm. At Stop Animation Code Club, we learn and enjoy designing and creating movies! We make our characters out of either clay or Lego. After making the characters, we gradually start taking pictures of the character. After each picture, we steadily move it in inches. Eventually, when all the photos are taken, they have to be compiled using an app called ‘Stop Motion’. Soon it looks like the character is actually walking! It looks exceedingly cool. As you can see, Stop Animation Code Club is really entertaining and amazing! You could join and make innumerable and exhilarating movies!

Anushka G, Year 6


Coding Club is an amazing experience to be creative and make unique stop motions. I personally love the fact that we create our own characters, make a set, and edit our stop motions with efforts to create the perfect movie. I think it’s a great activity and I think others do too.

Annabel M, Year 5


Year 3 Environment Warriors

Shanaya J and Maya V have taken the initiative to combat litter at Shelford by arranging a litter pick-up incentive on Friday lunchtimes. Each student who collects some plastic rubbish will be recorded and those students who collect the most will receive a certificate at a Junior School assembly.


Glen Eira Youth Services

Did you know that Glen Eira Youth Services, located at the McKinnon Youth and Library Hub, offer a range of programs and activities for young people? Upcoming events include: 

  • Winter Teen School Holiday Program (12 to 18 years) including ice-skating, a comic workshop, rock-climbing, a trip to Melbourne Museum 
  • Your Space – weekly drop-in program (10 to 25 years) Wednesdays from 4.30–5.30pm (during the school term) free, fun and interactive. No registration required!
    8 June: Yoga and meditation
    15 June: Glen Eira Pride Speaker Series 
  • Press Start – social gaming program (10 to 18 years) Mondays from 4pm–5.30pm (during the school term) a positive, social gaming experience to learn healthy gaming habits and play multi-player games. Participants try a variety of console and tabletop games each week, share common interests and connect with others. 
  • Your Story (10 to 25 years) Thursday 16 June from 4pm–5.30pm short stories and poetry writing with Joel McKerrow and Clara Borg

Vicky Gemmell, Head of Junior School – Student Wellbeing and Development

Jacqui Sidaway, Head of Junior School – Curriculum and Innovation