Student wellbeing

Pauline Cutajar, Deputy Principal, Student wellbeing and Development

As we navigate the final weeks of term, several students and families are dealing with significant illness, whether it be seasonal cold and flu or COVID-19. Taking the necessary time out to rest and recover can be especially challenging, when our natural tendency is to continue wanting to “do it all” and soldier on! Whilst ill students will often be very concerned about missing lessons and falling behind, it is imperative that they are reminded of the importance of really looking after themselves when they are unwell. Slowing down and allowing the body time to properly rest and recover often works wonders and will have them back doing the things they love in no time. Of course, Shelford staff will do all they can to support students to catch up on what they have missed when they are well enough to be back at school.

Student safety

The safety and wellbeing of our students is paramount. To alleviate some concerns about safety issues at the end of the day at the Junior and Senior School gates, we ask that all parents please do the following:

  • When possible, please park further away from Shelford and walk up to Hood Crescent for student collection.
  • Where appropriate, please encourage students to walk/bike/scooter/take public transport to school.
  • If your daughter is in JDC (Prep–2) please collect your daughter from her classroom
  • If your daughter is in Junior School Years 3–6, please collect her from the JS gate (Gate 3) not from across the road.
  • If your daughter is in Senior School, please do not double park in Hood Crescent. Following pick-up, please continue driving slowly (less than 40km) with an awareness of the Junior School gate, to ensure the safety of Junior School parents and students crossing Hood Crescent.
  • Please do not park in the Doctor’s surgery car park or our staff car park.

Thank you in advance for your support of these measures which will help to ensure the safety of our students and their families at the end of each school day.


Article: What parents need to know about vaping

In this article Natalie Moutafis presents vital information about vaping including associated health risks, how to talk to teens about vaping and some commonly held myths are dispelled. You will also find a useful fact sheet and video embedded.


Free webinar: Safer online gaming webinar, from e-safety

The eSafety Commissioner is offering a free webinar for parents and carers on exploring safe online gaming. The one-hour live event is suitable for parents and carers of children from 8 to 13 years of age and will be offered on 3 dates throughout June. Please click on the link below for details regarding dates, content and the registration process. 


Pauline Cutajar

Deputy Principal – Student Wellbeing and Development