Service Learning news

Go Grey in May for brain cancer – $600 for brain cancer research 

Our Senior School Service Committee organised a casual clothes day on Monday 30 May. This was to raise money for RCD Foundation that supports research into brain cancer. 


During lunchtime, our committee ran fun and engaging activities across the whole school to help students consider who they are supporting and where the money is going to. All students wore grey or pink to represent colours of our brain!


We raised over $600 on this day, plus the sales of merchandise! An incredible effort, thank you to all the students who helped out in any way!


If you’d like to make a personal donation to our school page, we would appreciate your generosity.

Athletics Bake Sale – $350 for Breast Cancer

On Thursday 26 May, the Senior School purchased many treats from the bake sale at the Athletics Carnival. This was put on by Jana K and Kira L in Year 12, who wanted to raise funds for breast cancer. Thank you to all those who purchased some treats – over $350 was raised!


A special thank you to Mel Ranieri for her efforts in helping organise the set-up, transporting the treats and donating some wonderful treats to be sold. 


St Kilda Mum’s Winter Solstice Coat Drive

We are collecting warm winter coats, jumpers and jeans in children's sizes 2 to 14 for St Kilda Mums. 


These will be collected at the SPA Winter Solstice event on Friday 17 June.


Consider beginning to clean out some of the clothes that don’t fit your children anymore and be ready to bring it along on the night. This will help ensure that every child has warm clothing that fits this winter.


Claire Cheeseman

Service Learning Coordinator