Student achievements

Eliana: Royal Ballet School

Eliana outside the Royal Ballet School, London
Eliana outside the Royal Ballet School, London

Eliana R (Year 8) was selected to attend the Royal Ballet School Spring Intensive at Covent Garden London in April. The intensive programme is a unique opportunity to receive the highest levels of coaching from world-renowned Royal Ballet School faculty and special guests.


The Royal Ballet School is one of the world’s most celebrated centres for classical ballet training. Since its founding in 1926, the School has produced dancers and choreographers of international renown for generations including greats such as Margot Fonteyn. Eliana enjoyed her time with other selected students from around the world.

Zoey: National Gymnastics Championships

Zoey L in Year 10 competed in the National Gymnastics Championships in the Gold Coast on 14 May. Zoey is a talented gymnast whose hard work was evident during this Championship. We would like to congratulate Zoey as she received the following accolades:

  • 3rd place overall for the Competition
  • 2nd place in Ribbon and Clubs events
  • 1st place in the Hoops event

Zoey was also in a team with Olivia E (Year 12). Their team finished 2nd overall for the competition.


Congratulations to both of these students for their incredible individual and group performances.