Principal's news

Katrina Brennan

It is a wonderful thing to work with the parents of Shelford. Many parents are able to give to the school in many different ways. I truly appreciate this work, as does the Board, the Executive and all the staff of Shelford. I am sure students who are aware of what goes on behind the scenes are also equally grateful.


Whilst the Shelford Parents’ Association’s (SPA) general aim is to ‘friend raise’ in our community, that is, to offer opportunities for parents to socialise, network and support each other, one of the other three main objectives of the SPA is to raise funds for the improvement of the School’s properties and amenities for the benefit and value of the students. 

What does SPA fund?

In recent times, we have worked very closely with the SPA Committee to determine which amenities would most benefit the students and have agreed to three main areas for funding. Obviously, we are all keen to ensure that as many of the girls across the school will benefit.


Firstly, the SPA committee have generously contributed to outdoor furniture that will be placed around the School. We are currently sourcing these (and supply is an issue at present) and are looking forward to providing more opportunities for students to study, discuss, eat and socialise outside in our gardens and other areas when these arrive later in the year. The SPA funds will contribute to the cost of these tables, chairs and benches.


Secondly, there is real enthusiasm from the students for some additions to the Robotics and Digitech Lab. This equipment is expensive and is shared by students across the school from Prep–Year 8 in the Digitech classes and in older years through Robotics and Engineering electives, but also through clubs and special activities such as the Year 9 STEM challenge and our end of Year 5–8 activities week. The equipment enriches our students’ learning experiences.


And finally, SPA will purchase percussion instruments used in band programs, both curricula and extra curricula.


Later this term SPA will be holding and funding a student competition to support student led initiatives and school improvements.

Process for future projects

In 2022 we are introducing a new process by which funds from SPA will be allocated in the future. In Term 3 I will ask all staff who are running an activity or program in 2023, who would benefit from additional funds, to fill out an application form. These applications will be forwarded to the SPA Committee who will decide during Term 3 which projects they will raise money for in the following year. This will enable a broad range of activities, speakers and events to be considered by a wide range of parent representatives.

Volunteering at Shelford

As a school, we greatly benefit from the volunteer hours that parents invest into the community, school and your daughter’s education and experience. We have numerous opportunities to be involved and welcome you to contact SPA, your Year Level Coordinators or classroom teachers for more opportunities. Please remember all parents on site must hold a valid Working With Children’s Check. 


Again, thank you to all parents of Shelford for your valued contributions and feedback. May we continue to discuss, listen and reflect together. We are united in our support of our students and our desire for them to have wonderful opportunities.


Katrina Brennan
