Deputy Principal

Term Dates 2023

The 2023 Term Dates have been published on the St Patrick’s College website. I encourage all families to look carefully at these dates. We publish these dates early so that families can plan family events/holidays around them. It is the expectation that all students attend every school day and that family trips do not clash with your son’s learning. 

Dropping items at Reception for students

If your son forgets an item at home, whether it be his training/school uniform, instruments, equipment etc., then he will have to learn from his mistakes/lack of organisation as parents/carers are unable to drop these items off at School Reception. Students need to learn to be prepared and organise themselves the night before. We do not have the staff capacity to get these items to your son. Your cooperation is appreciated.

Drop off/Pick up

We are having several issues with families dropping off and picking up their son/s. 

Can I remind all families:

  • To not drive into the Mary MacKillop staff car park to drop off your son. Lately parents/carers have either been driving through, if able to do so, or reversing out, making it dangerous to pedestrians and blocking the driveway for staff trying to enter and park. 
  • After 8:00 AM, you must drop off your son at Kiss and Drop on Fraser Street. Please do not drop your son anywhere else as we have staff supervising at Kiss and Drop on Fraser Street every morning before and every afternoon after school. Boys will be issued with College detentions if they are dropped off in other places.
  • When approaching Kiss and Drop, please come along Shortland Avenue (alongside Breen Oval) and turn left into Fraser Street. Please do not turn right from Shortland Avenue into Fraser Street; it blocks off the flow and the through traffic of our neighbours. If you are approaching on Shortland Avenue coming from Marion Street, then you must continue along Shortland Avenue, go around the roundabout at Francis Street and then join the queue on Shortland Avenue next to Breen Oval. We have had a number of parents/carers getting frustrated with drop off and pick up as some parents/carers continue to ignore our requests. I ask everyone to be community minded and think of others.
  • We have also had residents on Marion Street complaining that parents/carers are parking across resident driveways. Once again, if we use Kiss and Drop correctly and remain patient, then there should be no need for parents/carers to be parked on Marion Street.

I thank everyone for observing the rules and looking out for each other to respect everyone in our community.


Adrian Byrne

Deputy Principal