Like all faculties, the English team have been busily preparing for remote learning and we have been thoroughly impressed with the success of our programs in the first few weeks of term. Thank you to students who have enthusiastically engaged with the lessons being delivered by your teachers. As the term progresses, it’s important students stay up-to-date with work. Teachers are eager to support students through a variety of online platforms including if additional help is required, so reach out where needed.


The school library has uploaded several audiobooks for texts being studied this term, including Blueback and The Outsiders. There are also audio-visual texts available from teachers for texts at senior levels. This is a great time to engage in reading for pleasure. Students are encouraged to complete 30 minutes of reading a day. Contact the library or your friendly English teacher for suggestions of a good read.


Finally, Year 9-12 students are encouraged to consider applying for the Plain English Speaking Award, a renowned public speaking competition that McKinnon has a proud history of competing and succeeding in. In light of current circumstances, this year's competition will take place via video conferencing. Please see this link for details. If you would like to apply to enter the competition, please email Mr Florence.


Mr Florence

Head of English